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Suggestion for Posting history


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I know you have stated there is already a lot on your plate, but I wanted to make a suggestion anyway. Is it

possible on the "Forums Posting" page under the "View your community member page and posting history" section to

put a date of the last post by someone, or make is sortable by date of last contribution similar to the

"Interesting People" section? Sometimes people add a late question\suggestion to a older post, and while most of

us know that's not a great idea, it would make it easier to help people that did it anyway. The more I

contribute the harder it is to separate dead threads from the live ones I contributed to.....Just a thought.

Thanks, Michael.

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"or make is (sic) sortable by date of last contribution"


I'd second that. I *like* long running threads, as opposed to starting a new thread, on the same subject, if more than

a day or two have past. It makes for a contiguous discussion.


Also, I'm always a bit embarassed if someone's responded to one of my threads, and I've not checked back on it in a

while. What some people will do will email you a heads-up to check your thread for their new contribution, but that's

the exception, plus it's extra work.

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My first question would be why not just request email notification for those older threads you are interested in?


I'll look into something like a "date of last post" but my concern is that the "forum posts" page is kind of a database intensive query and isn't really meant for keeping track of active threads. I worry that it would affect site performance.

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Hello Josh. To answer your question "'why not just request email notification for those older threads you are interested in? " I can think of two reasons, and that's pretty good for me this early in the morning. 1) I don't need 50 email every time someone adds to a post, I get enough email as it is, I only want to know if someone has added to an older thread. 2) It's not necessarily about what I'm interested in, but what others are interested in. I'm not going to subscribe to my own 2 month old thread about places in northern Illinois for nature photography, but someone else may add on to it asking about what I though of these a month later (and someone did), and it would be nice to reply to them in a timely manner.


That being said, I totally understand about the possible performance hit. Photo.net does do it for the "Interesting People" contributions so hopefully if it works there it would work here (I suppose there is way more forum activity than interesting people activity), but the sites been running pretty well lately and we don't need to impact it. I just thought it would help for timely follow ups for people.

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