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Wedding Photography Pricing

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people have to like your work to pay. you have to build a portfolio and show that to people. ask somebody (non-photgrapher) to compare yours to that $5000 guy's portfolio. that will give you a reference point. but in short, you can charge whatever they will pay.


Also, no matter what that is an incredibly stressful job and many cannot handle it. If your card corrupts or your film gets botched there's no way to relive that event and it can cost you big bucks to retake.

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<i>"I have heard that people can make $5000 / wedding shooting weddings. First off, is that true?! Second, how do

I get to that place?"</i>


Yes that's true.


Time, and working your a$$ off.


The best way to start shooting weddings is assist/second shoot with an established pro.


Realize that weddings are hard work and not something you can just go into on a whim.


Also, you need to know how to market yourself to those who can afford you.

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Step 1... Get the credentials... I.e. a degree from Brooks: cost, upwards of $80K and 4 years.


Step 2... Get lots of experience as an assistant with a top of the line mentor... say 2 to 5 more years, but at least you get paid, although nowhere near $5000 per gig (pay for assistants, 2nd shooters, makeup artitsts is are one reason that the gig costs $5000... It's not all profit, you know.)


Step 3... Put together a top quality camera/lighiting system and know how to use it without even stopping to think about : This will probably run at least $50K, might go over $100K. It will take a couple years use to feel like the cameras and lighting equip. are integral extensions of your arms and mind.


Step 4... Study business administration; sales, marketing & advertising; accounting & taxes; license, intellectual property & contract law... Also find and hire experts in all these areas to handle the details for you. The reason you need to study these areas too, is so that you can effectively communicate with the experts working for you. Cost, unknowns. What's a business degree cost these days.


Step 5... Work very hard, promote yourself very hard, for, say, about 10 years.


Step 6... Be lucky, in the right place at the right time.... Plus be very good and totally reliable.


Of course, there are probably 80 different routes to the same end.


Point is, there are few short cut and there's no free lunch.


Actually, the top wedding photographers probably make upwards of $10K per... $15K to $20K isn't unheard of, either. (Google for "Bambi Cantrell".)


It's doable, but requires a combination of talent and smarts. Even with lots of those, plan on putting in a lot of time, investing a lot of your own money and working very hard to get there.

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A lot depends on your market. $5000 is what I consider the high end of the middle market and the low/middle of

the high end market in my area.


First you have to have the camera/lighting skills.

Second you have to have the temperament. Weddings are fast paced, high stress with Zero room for error. You

have to be able to get great shots in seconds without the luxury of lighting changes and a lot of set up.

Third, you have to be good at communication with your brides and dealing with personalities.

Fourth, you have to be an excellent marketer. When you are dealing with the higher end bride, a LOT is about

perception. Can you appeal to their ego and present the perception of high value? Its not all about price

either. You have to craft your image very carefully.

Fifth, you have to give incredible customer service.


The best, shortest route to that level is to work as an assistant to a top wedding shooter. See what they do,

understand WHY they do things the way they do.

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