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a million flash cards or one computer?


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Hi, I'm going to be traveling abroad for over a year non-stop and I plan on shooting with my digital SLR while on the road. I'm going to be

moving around a lot and packing light is going to be essential. Im not sure how I should best go about this under taking. My question is:

Should I bring my computer and hard drive along so I can upload my photos on the spot (but perhaps risk loosing them and all my material

to accidents or theft on the road?)? Or should I just load up on flash cards and when they're full send them home to be uploaded and sent

back to me? Any advice would be great. Thanks.

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I like the stock up on flash cards method, but perhaps consider stopping into photo shops where they can D/L to DVD before you ship the flash card home... I'd hate to have only one copy of my images and have it lost or damaged in the mail...


depends on where you're going though.

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Consider portable hard drives with memory cards backup capability - they're compact and can store as many photos as a laptop.


There're lots of devices of this kind and I'm using the following two and can recommend both:

- Vosonic 8360 (with a 120GB HDD)

- $20 device (enclosure only, you insert your own HDD), something like this: http://cgi.ebay.com/SD-MS-MMC-CF-XD-Micro-Hard-Drive-Quick-Backup-Clean_W0QQitemZ300262334775QQcmdZViewItem?_trksid=p3286.m20.l1116


It's highly recommended to burn the results on DVDs when visiting cities and mail them home

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flash cards hardly weigh anything and are faily cheap. you didn't say where you are going to. if there is a good postal service then post them back home. otherwise, take a card reader with you. visit a cyber cafe and upload the files online somewhere for backup.
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Sending the original files, with no backups, via the postal service seems very risky to me. (Note: to me, not necessarily to you).


Whatever method(s) you choose, I think you'd benefit from sending copies back home instead of the originals.

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No option is perfect so you may want to consider having backups. I would burn two copies of the images onto DVD. I would then mail one and the other I would keep. This way you are safe. You could also substitute one set of DVDs with the portable hard drive with card reader. But in case you drop that.....


My 2 cents.

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Depending on where you are you could back up some of your more important photo's to an online service. There are quite a few, just make sure that you get to back up the whole photo, not just a conpressed version for online display. International post is always risky.
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I hope this advice helps:


-Bringing a small, light computer (preferably with a CD or DVD writer), like a Sony Vaio TZ is a good solution; you

can copy the images to your computer, then make CDs or DVDs and mail them home. You can also upload images

to an online storage account, so if the computer is lost, stolen or broken, at least your pictures will be safe. The

only issue is that computers can be expensive. No matter what you travel with, however, be sure to have it insured

before you leave.


I could go on, but there are a few articles I think you should read that answer this question on



Sorry, but you'll have to copy & paste these URLs into your browser:


Five Ways to Store Photos Without a Laptop Computer:



Protecting Your Photos As You Travel: http://www.getoutthemap.net/article_profile.php?ID=24


Keeping photos organized as you travel: http://www.getoutthemap.net/article_profile.php?ID=26


Why Deleting Individual Images Off Your Camera Is Bad: http://www.getoutthemap.net/article_profile.php?ID=27


Eleven Simple Things Every Traveler Should Bring With them to Take Better Photos



Laptop Security While Traveling: http://www.getoutthemap.net/article_profile.php?ID=17


I hope these articles help. Be sure to leave comments on the Contact page.


Good luck and happy traveling!

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My wife and I and my 2 year old son just spent 17 months traveling around the world. I'm an expert in what works for me. I'm completely biased and here's what I would say. I traveled to New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Thai Land, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Egypt, Italy, Check republic, Austria, Germany, Ireland, Spain and Mexico.


I carried a computer and an usb external backup drive.


1) Finding place to mail back the items is a horrible experience. It is difficult and it takes away from what you would like to be doing.


2) A laptop can be used during your down time to tag your photos, delete ones, organize them, etc. If you save this for the end and they are mailed to a location- 1) you've got to trust the mail. 2) you'll have to organize them when your back and your memory won't be so good. 3) It is expensive.


3) Mailing isn't cheap anymore. My wife and I gave up on that.


4) With a backup and a laptop you are covered. If the place isn't safe, then carry your small backup drive. You’re covered


5) Get Acronis backup software and backup your entire computer by making an image (I'm a DBA by day).


6) Use Skype for phone calls. By the package so that you can have a phone number. As you move around from country to country people will have to have a way to get a hold of you. You can buy local numbers or you can bother with G3 mobile cards and recharging them. We do both actually, but our preference is Skype.


7) Do you really not want to see other photos from the same place? PN is an excellent resource while you are on the road and your camera isn't web enabled yet.


8) I've had to use internet cafes a lot and most of them suck. They are poorly lit, the speed is horrible, the conditions are for young gamers and that is it.


9) You can share your photos by e-mailing them to the family and friends. Every two weeks we sent a picture or 2 back home with a small explanation.


10) See if you can buy the GPS thingy that will geo tag your photos. You won’t' want to do this after the fact as I'm have to do.


11) How will you burn the CDs? Renting a computer is a pain. Do you trust the mail to deliver your photos? We think we will get 100% of our mail, but we aren't home yet and we just don't know. I'm glad I can see and touch all the photos I've taken.


12) Think about an online backup website. Put your best picture up there for safe keeping. We didn't live dangerously ( i.e. 2 year old) but you might want the good feeling of know your best picture are safe.


There are even more pros to packing a laptop... but I think I've writen enough.


Drop me a line and I'll itemize what was in my 1 suitcase for 18 months. I can't take good photos but I tried. http://www.neils.us if you want to take a look at mediocre pictures.

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