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A recent burst kitchen pipe and the subsequent flood in my office has got me thinking seriously about off site

backup. I would like to find a service that I can upload or ftp a large amount of data to for long term storage.

I feel like I have seen this service advertised but I can't seem to find anything now that I am looking for it.

Does anyone use an online service for remote backup?

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Titan and Mozy are free. I use both. I also use a mirrored HDD (RAID) and an external hard drive. Then I backup everything for archival purposes on DVD (maybe archival anyway). Oh, I also back up key directories to my host which (like many) doesn't charge for disk space. It's technically unlimited, but then you're hooked on them until you get your stuff off. There IS a method to my madness, but no need to go into it.
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I think it depends on how much data you have and how much you are willing to spend. I have a lot of data and a number of family laptops. I also come from the IT industry and am paranoid about backups.


My personal solution is simple. I have two NAS external drives(Network attached drives - just an external disk connected to my network) with 500GB of disk and I back up to one of them to each night.


On a weekly basis I take that NAS Disk to my father's home and retrieve the previous one. I bring the second copy back and my automated backup continues to update it for the next week. Then next week I take Disk 2 back to my Father's place and bring Disk 1 back home.


I am fortunate that my Father is close by and needs me to visit him weekly (he's 85 and living alone) but any outside destination is good - even your work desk.



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When I read this question I was going to propose something more or less exactly like what Rob has suggested. If you have a 100Meg card (most are now) it will be quite quick, if you can put a gigabit card into your machine then nearly as fast as a local (internal) drive.


If you don't have a reliable / safe place at work, then most banks have a safe deposit box system. Mine only gives me a free access every month, and charges me for the other accesses. Once a week should be plenty.


Upgrade you drives every one or two years and you'll likely not run out of space either :-

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I think a safety deposit box in a bank is not necessary: it's not gold coins, rare stamps, etc. These are discs that are valuable mainly to you, and only valuable insofar as they are needed to *preserve* your data. If you have two copies, geographically separate, the odds of *both* being lost at the same time are near nil.
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