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Lightroom 2 and CS3 Photomerge Integration

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I'm having a problem using the new tighter integration between LR2 and CS3; for sending multiple images to CS3 Photomerge.<P>


In LR2, I select some images, and then under Photo > Edit In >, the needed options are grayed out. Anybody having a similar issue? I'm

using OS X 10.5.1. Have tried various External Editing Preferences in LR2 - same thing.c


Sending single images to CS3 from LR2 works fine.<P>





<img src= "http://pages.sbcglobal.net/b-evans/Images33/Lightroom-2.jpg">


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Also, it makes no difference whether the selected images are from the Library or a Collection. The Edit In options are still

grayed out. Also tried 32/64 bit (not that that should make a difference).

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>>> Brad, I don't have LR 2, but could it be that panaroma wants a jpg or 8 bit tiff, something like that?


Good idea Barry, but that's what happens when you edit in PS from within LR. LR renders a TIFF or PSD version first, and then goes

into CS3.


LR2 offers a new mode where you can work your RAW photos within LR2, and then within LR2 seamlessly go into CS3 Photomerge

with your stack of photos rendered in TIFF. A really neat feature. If those options weren't grayed out. I also tried that starting with

TIFFs and JPEGs within LR2, same problem - the options are grayed out.


>>> For Photomerge You'll need to convert your raw (cr2 in your case) to TIFF or JPEGS first. PhotoMerge can handle 16 bit TIFFs.


That's right. If you work with CS3's Photomerge option directly (without going through LR2), you have to start with a rendered file.


And that's why LR2's new feature of working with a set of photos within LR2 (getting consistent exposure, etc), and then being able to

drop into CS3 (from within) LR2 and having that TIFF/PSD rendering occur automatically should be neat. And then, when you save the

pano file in CS2, the pano TIFF comes back into LR2, automatically as a TIF.


You can always export a bunch of TIFFs into a folder using Export in LR. And then work on that separately in CS3 Photomerge. I've

done that and that works fine. But then you're losing the beauty of the new tighter integration found in the new version of Lightroom.

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Thanks Dan... I have a feeling it will work for you - seems to work for others, <a href=

"http://frederickvan.com/blog/2008/04/14/lightroom-2-and-photoshop-cs3-stitching-a-panorama/">like in this video</a>

showing both LR2 and CS3 working together on Photomerge.



Just wondering why it isn't working for me; must be doing something wrong...


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I do what you're describing with the RAW files from my Olympus E510. In the Grid view of LR2 I select the number of

images I want merged and then do what you're describing. I get the options (not greyed), select which I want, and LR

opens Photoshop (CS3), which merges them and generates a .tiff that is transferred back to LR2 when I "save." I'm

working on a iMac with OS X 10.5.5.


Ellis, I don't have to convert RAW to use this feature. Is that because LR2 reads the Olympus RAW format directly?


Brad, if you are merging multiple images (panorama, HDR, etc.) you are selecting multiple images in LR2, right?

Otherwise the merge options are grey.

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Thanks Mel... Yeah, I'm doing exactly as you describe, selecting multiple images to merge - the result is grayed options.<p>


I did check into the Adobe LR forum and posted the same question. And according to several who replied, apparently CS3 needs

the 10.0.1 update patch applied. <a href= "http://www.adobeforums.com/webx?128@@.59b6ab22">Here's the link.</a>

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