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Some candids...K10D & Tamron 28-75mm


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A friend (Uma), his wife (Rama) along with their 18 month old son Vrishank (my son Ananth is also same age)

stopped by our

place last Sunday.

Some candids...

Most indoors taken @ ISO 400/ 800 at around F4. Outdoors I stopped down to F5.6 with ISO 100.


First Pic

Vrishank (left) and Ananth face-off :) F4, ISO400, built-in flash

<P><IMG SRC=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3250/2881744252_7ec95bdd79_b.jpg>;

ISO400, F4, bulit-in flash

<P><IMG SRC=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3290/2881746982_9e63f67517_b.jpg>;

ISO400, F4, No flash

<P><IMG SRC=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3131/2881748422_cfe49cfcab_b.jpg>;

ISO800, F4 No flash

Uma, Rama and Vrishank

<P><IMG SRC=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3025/2880928941_7071e78c4c_b.jpg>;

ISO100, F5.6, no flash, Uma and my wife Ramya

<P><IMG SRC=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3260/2880938351_bc563ef84f_b.jpg>;


More pix @ Vrishank

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I think Javier got a bit carried away with +3-5EV compensation. I'm sure he meant *clicks*, not stops, which would translate to +1-1.7EV.


Great kiddie pics; like Dave says, it's all in capturing their expressions.


As for your copy being a good one or not, you would have to test it on a tripod at f/2.8. However, if in normal use you don't find that your photos are out of focus (although a small number always are, for everyone), then you're probably fine.

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