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Can you help me please with an advise?

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Hello! I am a young photographer and I like to capture the moments from life. A lot of my friends are telling me that

my pictures are very nice and that I should sell them or work in some Photo Studio. But the problem is, that I am a

student and nobody wants to deal with me. Ether I am foreign students and it make a sense. For additional

information, I live in New York. So if you can give me an advise how I can get a job or where I can practice for free, I

will be very happy. Because photo is my life. All the comments I will appreciate.



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This is the land of opportunity Minakov. A "no" just means you're that many "no's" closer to a "yes". Don't let anything stand in your way. Take crummy jobs to start if you need to, but go for it. Don't let someone else tell you no. Build a brilliant portfolio and let your encouraging friends to tell you what they like and why. Get 10 shots that are most representative of your work. If a magazine won't hire you, go to a studio to see if they'll have you as an assistant. If they don't have anything, go directly to the customer: a business or someone who might want your work. Advertise on Craigs list dot org for whatever type of photography you want to do. Put an ad in a classified section of a newspaper. Sign up as a stringer for a news agency. There must be lots of work available, but you have to let no one set foot in your way.
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I have few good shots. But they are pretty to me and it doesn't means that other will like them as I do.

And it might sounds a little bit strange, but I am very shy person. I understand that I need and make

everything by myself. But when I am telling them how old I am they just say that they contact me in

future. That means "good bye boy!" ))))) I thought that I could assist any nice photographer in NYC after

November 12, when I will be 18 years old. And of course I don't know a lot and don't have so big

experience as you have, Michael. But I will do my best) Thank you for answering me!

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Greetings. First go out and shoot some excellent quality work, have the BEST images made into a professional

portfolio, get out the NYC phone book, dress up, and hit many studios in Manhattan, which there are probably

hundreds. New York is the MECCA of Photography! If you have truly great work, and are persistent and polite, you

should "eventually" find an interested studio. Of course it's not easy unless you know someone in the business. But

remember, Life is all about TIMING, so the more studios you show to, the better your odds of happening on one that

is in need of an assistant at that moment! Also, it's probably a good idea to "specialize". You can't be a "Jack of all

trades" in the beginning, or your critics would say you lack "focus"...excuse the pun. Good luck to you!


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Just another thought to add to the above, in case you haven't tried it: You say you are a student. Perhaps your

school has a photography department or art department where you could ask some of these questions. People there

might have some contacts and advice for you. You may have to push yourself to be outgoing, but from what I hear,

sales skills may be even more important that photography skills in establishing a successful photography

business. The practitioners can tell you all about it I'm sure. Make some contacts! Good luck.

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