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Lightroom! Help needed


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I'm so frustrated and confused! After spending hours in the Develop mode of Lightroom, I now want to upload the

adjusted images to my site on Exposure Manager. I'm sorry to admit this, but I'm not sure where the changes are,

or if I can do it. They're edited in a nondestructive way, so they're not really changed...? I could learn how

to make a web gallery in Lightroom, then take the images and upload them to Ex.Man., if it weren't already past

midnight. And with the windstorm from last night, and collecting fallen branches from two acres, after my day

job, I'm just too tired to learn something new. Can someone please help me?

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What I do when editing photo's in lightroom is, rate them 3-5 by hitting the number key, then when I am all done I go back to library and tell it to only show me the ones with a 3 or higher rating ctrl-a export! The tab to show this is in the lower right corner above the thumbs on the bottom. Hope I helped, maybe for next time!



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The image corrections (along with ratings, flags, etc) you apply in both the Library and Develop module are stored in the Lightroom catalog file, so yes, the changes are non destructive to the RAW image. But as Amol stated, once you "Export" your selected images, your processing adjustments get embedded in the resulting exported image. The Export dialogue pop-up is pretty straight forward and you can save your settings as a preset for commonly repeated export tasks.
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"They're edited in a nondestructive way, so they're not really changed...?"


The original raw (or JPEG or TIFF) is unchanged. What you have done is createdd a processing recipe for each of the images . The changes are permanently applied to the TIFF, PSD or JPEG versions you export out of Lightroom when you export (the export button is down at the lower left corner ofthe Library Module window or you can you a keyboard short cut from the other Lightroom modules ( Command + Shift + e for a Mac).

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yes, you need to export images. Modifications are virtual and could be seen on lightroom only.

Also yo can create simple web gallery with lightroom. Lightroom can upload your web gallery directly to your FTP.


I was confused also in the begining, but now lightroom is the best program for me :)

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