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What size pinhole


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I have just purchased a set of 12 drilled pinholes. At the moment I have two projects to use them. One is a Polaroid

100 Automatic Land camera. As I recall the polaroid pack film folders are 117mm. The other project is a lens cap

pinhole for my various EOS bodies includeing film and digital.


My question is simple, what would be the best starting point to choose a pinhole size for each project. As I have

understood, the focal length determins much about the ideal aperture size. I just have no idea where to start. Ideas

on exposure would be great too. The digital is easy enough to play with and get right, put I don't want to burn through

a ton of film packs for the polaroid.


For what it is worth, I will be shooting either 100 ISO or 3200 ISO. Fuji of course....


Thanks in advance



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I think I used this formula:


    <b>1/25 the square root of the distance between the pinhole aperture and the film

plane (focal length)</b>


If you start looking around the web, you'll find quite a few different answers. Luckily, the size of the hole

is only one small issue in making pinhole images.


You can see my results on <a href="http://mconnealy.com/pinhole/index.html" target="new">my

pinhole pages</a>, though they are not likely to correspond to yours as I am partial to much shorter

focal lengths.

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I am so glad that I could you fellas a good laugh. I did not intend for anyone to look up the reciprocity failure info. In any case, as it turns out I had down loaded both of the PDF documents a while back but had forgotten about them. I found them with google back when I first started to use them in a Polaroid 250. I am now using the Zeiss viewfinder and the camera back on a 195 that I bought a while back. Anyway thanks again to everyone.


You are right Patrick, that small program will be very useful, and very much worth getting laughed at. :o)


To Jim Graves,


A dealer on E-bay sells them. I think he goes by "pinholebilly". Apparently he makes them himself. I bought them from him because I saved a few bucks doing so. I really don't know how accurate they are. But hey! I managed to find them on my own! :o)


Here is an on line dealer that seal a fair amount on Pinhole products. Yet another one I found all by my little lonesome self....





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