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Help! Problems with Mack Camera & Video Warranty


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The head technician is already aware of the situation and will be checking the camera as soon as it arrives. Almost every major connection board-board is a ribbon cable in the 30d. They will be checked.


The camera will be here on the 17th and we will know more at that time. The camera is coming to the attention of my manager, Eric, whom is the Repair Manager.


Scott Kivowitz

Mack Camera & Video Service

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"And yet we've been on the phone repeatedly with them since this was first brought to our attention and they advised us

they're prepared to recheck Becky's camera and to provide a loaner in the interim." Henry Posner from B&H today.


I have received no emails or phone calls from Mackcam today saying that they are sending me a loaner. As a matter of

fact, Laura and Jennifer from Mackcam told me that B&H was. Becky


"You wanted me to send you an email, so here is the first one.

This isn't an e-mail; it's a reply to a thread in a public forum." Posner today


I also sent you an email notifying you that the information was posted on this thread. It was sent to your work email

address that you gave to me on Friday. Becky


You can stand on principal if you wish, but their are many consumers waiting to see the outcome of this situation. This

could be the determining factor in where they shop in the future. I hope that I am not being too blunt. The quicker this

matter is resolved, the better. Becky


Also, John has been kind to assist in this matter, however, he is also a retailer such as yourself, Mr. Posner.

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"Also, John has been kind to assist in this matter, however, he is also a retailer such as yourself, Mr.


Mr. Posner has gone out of his way to help you. Even contacting Mack on your behalf, a company which B&H no

longer has a relationship with. You have taken the position that the retailer is at odds with you when we are

on the same side. <br> Clearly, you have a special place in your heart for Mr. Posner. Thank you for placing me

by his side. It is an honor to be associated with Mr. Posner. <br>I suggest that, in the future, you satisfy your

photographic needs at Broadway Photo.

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Becky might not be aware of the fact that B&H adheres strictly to the Jewish sabbath (sundown Friday to sundown Saturday) and holiday schedule. That was almost certainly a factor in the timing of some of this issue, including her apparent perception that there was no communication or resolution on Saturday.


While I'm not a moderator for this forum it would seem to be in the best interest of all concerned parties to resolve this matter privately.

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Lex...I appreciate your comments about the sabbath, however I spent between 5-6 hours on the phone from Thursday through Saturday with not only Mackcam but B&H. The good folks at B&H would not transfer me to the executive offices until 1:55 on Saturday, at which time Mr. Posner made it very clear that he did not have time to talk.


A member of the B&H staff told me that I should contact an attorney ( of course at my expense) to handle this problem. I think that most consumers would like to know how the stores that they deal with are going to back their customers.


And to John....there are other stores that sell photo equipment. You should go back and read the whole thread, and you will find that Mr. Posner was a late comer to the party. You notice that he has not responded today with regard to Mackcam or B&H providing me with a loaner camera. Speaks for itself and I hope that the consumers are getting the picture.


I do however appreciate you working with Mackcam. Since you sell their product, I think it is nice for you to help mediate the situation. My complaint is not with you.

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Becky; I guess I am still confused about the logic here. You want to know how the store is going to back its customers; provide free loaners, free attorney costs but the warranty you paid for was not with the store; its with Mack. Why does B&H have anything to do with this matter at all? Yes the salemen and store made some money off the extended Mack warranty you bought thru them for the Mack warranty on your item. A situation where a customers wants services that were not paid for is like a bad thorn to a business. If you shoot photos for a living do you provide free services and photos for customers that were not paid for if they take extreme positions? If B&H is going to provide loaners for free then photographers should do the same; give services away for free. Did anything in the contact you bought from Mack say that B&H was to be involved; to provide free loaners? There is really NO reason that B&H should be involved with your warranty you bought with Mack; the only reason they have been involved is that you are dragging down a great company requesting freebies you didnt pay for; ie handouts like free loaners. The real situation is with you not directing your energy towards the folks who you have the warranty with ie Mack. One also should have spare tools and not rely on one tool for a job. Its abit baffling to try to understand why services are requested for B&H that were not paid for; ie free loaners. If B&H caves in with some freebies word will get around and then all their products will rise in prices to offset this added expense.
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<i>I also sent you an email notifying you that the information was posted on this thread. It was sent to your

work email address that you gave to me on Friday.</i><br>I am sorry but I have no e-mail from you. I have checked

my in-box, my "junk" mail folder, and both the server and the local spam filter mailboxes. Nothing.<p><i>The good

folks at B&H would not transfer me to the executive offices until 1:55 on Saturday, at which time Mr. Posner made

it very clear that he did not have time to talk.</i><br>I am sorry but that's disingenuous. I never said or

suggested or implied I was unwilling to talk. I said we close at 2:00pm Fridays (during DST) and that I

<b>couldn't</b>, not that I was unwilling to do so.<p><i>A member of the B&H staff told me that I should contact

an attorney ( of course at my expense) to handle this problem.</i><br>While I hate to advocate confrontational

tactics, if that's your only recourse with Mack (and I heartily doubt it is) it'd be valid advice. While B&H no

longer sells Mack's warranties, it's no reflection on the integrity of their employees and I have no doubt they

intend to fulfill their obligations.<p><i>You notice that he has not responded today with regard to Mackcam or

B&H providing me with a loaner camera.</i><br>We certainly cannot compel Mack to provide a loaner to you and we

will not take a brand new camera out of inventory for this purpose since it could not then be returned to


Kelly Flanigan:<br><i>There is really NO reason that B&H should be involved with your warranty you bought with

Mack; the only reason they have been involved is that you are dragging down a great company requesting freebies

you didnt pay for; ie handouts like free loaners. The real situation is with you not directing your energy

towards the folks who you have the warranty with ie Mack. One also should have spare tools and not rely on one

tool for a job.</i><br>Thank you. Well said and much appreciated.<p>For Becky's benefit, I'd like to point out

there's a <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/800596492-USE/">used 30D</a> in mint condition

refurbished by Canon USA which might make an excellent addition to what seems to be a sparse arsenal of

equipment. <p>


Henry Posner<br>

<b>B&H Photo-Video</b>

Henry Posner

B&H Photo-Video

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We have received the camera, and tested it out. Right away with her battery & card and our batteries & cards the camera is not writing to any memory card. That is the only problem with the camera. The camera has a bad memory compression board. We are sending the camera overnight to the manufacturer as it is quicker for them to fix it and return it to us than for them to simply send us the part. When the camera returns it will be personally tested by myself and the head technician again. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused but we are trying to rectify this as promptly as possible.


Scott Kivowitz


Mack Camera & Video Service

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We have received the camera back from Canon. It has been tested by the head technician and I. We shot 200

photos, all which have been written to the card. According to Canon this is what was done.


~~ Replaced Cover Assembly & TFT Display


~~ Adjust and Cleaned C-mos to Factory Specs


~~ Updated Firmware


I have contacted Becky and left a voice mail since there was no answer.


Scott Kivowitz


Mack Camera & Video Service

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I decided to test it some more. I reset the camera as usual. After setting the date and time the menu locked up. I took out the battery and restarted the camera. The camera locked up after the first shot. Now this proves a couple things.


1) The problem is in fact intermittent

2) It might not have to do with writing to the card since it locked up while setting the date and time


I will be sending this back to Canon today


Scott Kivowitz


Mack Camera & Video Service

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  • 3 weeks later...

The camera arrived back from Canon.


Their notes stated that they replaced the C-PCB & D-PCB. We called the leads over at Canon to confirm and they did in fact replace the 2 main digi-boards that would cause this problem.


I spoke with Becky about 10 minutes ago and we are shipping this next day this back to her.


Scott Kivowitz


Mack Camera & Video Service

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  • 3 weeks later...

My Canon 30d Camera has been back and forth from MackCam.com since the end of August. It still has not been fixed after 2 + months. The camera has come back from the MackCam numerous times and still is not repaired. Per Mackcam.com It has been to Canon repair twice, but MackCam said that they (Canon) didn't do anything to it the first time. After Mackcam sent it back to Canon a 2nd time, Canon replaced two boards and tested it and it was working just fine; according to Canon and MackCam.com It was sent back to me and I immediately realized that even though the card reader had been repaired, the top LCD panel did not show my settings. Nor did the inside of the camera show the settings. MackCam did finally send me a loaner (twice now)....a point and shoot Nikon without a manual and a battery charger that is in pieces. B&H, who sold me an extended warranty for my Canon camera has totally washed their hands of this matter and the Mackcam representative said that he would call me today after he spoke with his representative from Canon about replacing the camera. After over 2 months, I want a camera (Canon 30D) that works. It is high time that Mack Cam either get my camera fixed or replace it. That is the sole purpose of purchasing an extended warranty. Yet another day and another day of no camera and no resolution in site.



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<i>B&H, who sold me an extended warranty for my Canon camera has totally washed their hands of this matter...</i><p>With all due respect and consideration for your frustration and inconvenience we most certainly <b>did not</b> wash our hands of anything. I've spoken with you, spoken with Mack, e-mailed as necessary and kept up with this lengthy thread. I understand your frustration but lashing out like this is not called for and does not accurately reflect our participation at all.<p>


Henry Posner<br>

<b>B&H Photo-Video</b>

Henry Posner

B&H Photo-Video

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Gee Mr. Posner ....Your last post was on September 17th, over 6 weeks ago. What HAVE you done to remedy this

situation. My Canon 30D has been in repair for over 2 months without being repaired or replaced. You have not called me

or emailed me since the 17th of September, the day of your last post. Oh, you never did call me back after I spoke with

you in September. Remember, you did not have time to talk with me that day either. Hmmmmm. How have you and B&H

helped me?


Becky Brill

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<i>How have you and B&H helped me?</i><p>Well I hate to seem like I'm patting myself on the back, but I was the one who called and e-mailed Mack way back when which is how they got involved here in the first place. I also had a nice chat with Mack's president and nat'l sales manager at the PhotoEast show last week. Your situation was one of the topics. Just because a thing doesn't happen here, doesn't mean it doesn't happen does it?<p>


Henry Posner<br>

<b>B&H Photo-Video</b>

Henry Posner

B&H Photo-Video

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Scott...The camera is not in my hands today. It is somewhere in UPS limbo; and hopefully not forever. You all need to get

with UPS and figure out why an overnight shipment is still in some warehouse.



As for you Posner, don't pat yourself on the back. You and your store have been the cause, and not part of the solution.

Remember, you all (B&H) don't deal with Mackcam anymore.

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Scott, Eric, and Rich...


What is another weekend without a camera after 3 months? I just found out that the camera (Canon 40D) was still in New

Jersey at 9:18 PM this evening. I have been told that it will be at least Monday before I will have access to a working

camera. Scott, you jumped the gun on this. Still no camera! If this is a UPS- United Parcel Service issue, I suggest you

get with your folks up there. I have spoken with their call center and they don't seem too concerned about it.

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This is getting ridiculous, that a customer who relied on receiving a working camer, when she paid out good money to buy it from a retailer, should have to endure such pain and ordeals. Regardless of whose "fault", IMO Becky does not deserve to have to go through this series of nonsense.



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