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100UC not that UC?

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I've been getting some really blaze results from 100UC. I'm at work so can't post a scan right now. To give you

some idea, I took a picture of a red rusted paint can in late afternoon golden light and got a cold dark brown.

Now there are a couple options as to whats going on here:


1) UC could be optimized to Green tones not Brown, in which case this is as hopeless as trying to bring out a

subtle Brown in Velvia.


2) Camera was set to ETTL mode (my oops I thought it was centered weighted spot). Two brains trying to expose a

picture = no brains in the exposure.


3) Processor color corrected out by brown tones.


4) I was not using a CP. 100UC could suffer more washing out from non-polarized light then I expected.


I'm a bit disappointed as I was hoping for performance similar to RG25 in tonal range. My question is are either

1) (doesn't hold a good Brown) or 4) (polarizer almost mandatory) known quirks of 100UC?

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I would never have thought of 100 UC as being "blaze" :(


I love it for landscape photos. In fact, I really like it because of how it picks up earth tones and gets really deep colors. It's probably my favorite film for landscapes, especially in the Fall. I've never used any kind of filters with it, and just used Sunny 16 for exposure. (Heck, I've had better luck guessing the light and exposure myself than with a light meter). I hope you can figure out what went wrong and have better luck next time. I don't scan my color film, I just take it to a lab to be processed.

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If you like 100UC, you might want to stock up. According to Kodak, the new Ektar 100 is to replace 100UC, and 400UC will disappear by the end of 2008. Here's the Kodak description of Ektar 100:




Click on Questions and Answers for the tidbit about 100/400 UC disappearing. (You can also get a datasheet in PDF for Ektar 100.)

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<i>Wait a minute . . . I thought no more new emulsions from Kodak . . . ;-)</i>


So much for "the all-digital Kodak" eh?


Well, we can dream.


Frankly IMO the best thing for that company would be a heavy-duty corporate shakeout. Drop-kick "the computer

guys" back to whence they originated and let 'em run a <i>real</I> computer company if they are THAT fixated on

"digital" being The Answer. If you ask me, this whole @#%@$#% "all-digital" crap is a textbook example of "to a

man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail." Hire "computer guys" with NO history of -- or affinity for --

or, apparently, even any <I>tolerance</I> of TRADITIONAL photography -- and put them in charge of a [drumroll]

traditional photography company.


Then, sit back in shock as they systematically go about their "man with a hammer" task of "de-photographying" the

company, and turning it into a computer company (and that's all a "digital camera" is -- an integrated

computer/dedicated peripheral" machine).


Good grief.


I guess it could have been worse. Instead of hiring "computer people" they could have hired a bunch of.... aw,

gee, someone help me out here,eh? :)


(The closest analogy I can think of is when Steve Jobs hired "that Pepsi guy" to run a <i>computer</I> company,

and his first act of business was to fire the guy who MADE the business what it was (S. Jobs), and then his

second act of business was to run it into the ground.


At least he didn't mandate seltzer and syrup spigots installed in each computer. ("My goal is the all-carbonated

Apple!" :)

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Yikes...John, thanks for the warning! I also just saw the other thread about 100 UC disappearing. I really liked Ultra Color 100. I've only used 2 or 3 rolls of it, but I loved it. I'm really going to miss it. I'm definitely going to stock up on it! I've never had to do that before because until recently I never used enough film for that, and I was never worried about my favorite film disappearing.


I read the discription for Ektar 100 and it looks interesting and like it might be good replacement. I'll try it out.

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