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Photgraphs in critique forum


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I understand that the photographs of last 24 hours come randomly in critiques forum. Is it true for both 'All'

and the specific categories as well? Earlier in some specific categories, like humor or digital alteration,

photographs remained sometimes for 2-3 days. Now is it 24 hours only for all categories ?

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That's not actually how it worked. Behind the scenes, it would search through all the submissions for those within the last 7 days, then just present the top 100. Right now, it's going through just those from the last day and randomly showing 100. Perhaps I could extend the time in the queue two more days for particular categories, but we'll have to see how that affects things.
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I have submitted about 4 images today and none seem to show up in the critique forum. How can a photo get to be a top rated if nobody ever sees it. The one I put up 4 hours ago has zero views. I have never seen this before on PN. Is this something new, has the site just gotten so big, so many users that it is becoming like You Tube. I joined PN to become a better photographer and looked forward to a critique or rating to gage if I am improving. Why not have the photos go down the list as they come in like it used to be, and the really good ones go to the popular forum. The critique forum should be for critiques of peoples photos, not a popularity contest. I am just trying to give a constructive opinion.


This is a really great website. I would like to see it continue to be a great place for photohraphers to develop their skills and the critique forum is an awesome tool for that. A critique by your peers.


I understand people like to see the nice and best photos, but that is not what the critique forum should be about. Aren't there other forums for that? Photo of the week, editors picks, create a best user picks forum for the high rated so people who want to look at pretty pictures can go there. But please leave the Critique forum for people to be judged by their peers and get critiqued. Photos should go in and stay in the order they were submitted and stay there for a day or two, the good, the bad, the ugly, no matter first come first serve. The best of those get picked for the People's Choice Forum.


Just a suggestion As it is, I thought someone flagged my account so my photos would not display on the forum. I even emailed Josh what was up thinking something was wrong. I have been a member going on a year and I never seen photos just never show up when submitted. Something has to be wrong. It has been a frustrating evening.


Thanks for listening. Believe me I really love this site and I just want to see it be a really great experience for all the members.




Cheers, Mark
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Thanks Lex,


I just saw Josh's message about the way the server works now. It is hard to keep up on all the messages. I saw one of my photos there just now. :)


I don't know why I missed Josh's posting yesterday. The critique forum change happened since the last time I submitted a photo for critique. I knew the way it was acting didn't look or respond to what I was used to.The random change in photos being displayed was really confusing me. I tried two differernt browsers to be sure I didn't have a glitch in my browser cache.


Did the CERN LHC (Large Hadron Collider) that went on line in Europe today (Wednesday) create a few miniature black hole that sucked me into a parallel world where PN's Critique Forum acts in a strange and different way. :)


I am curious if my photos will get more or less views, ratings and critiques in this strange Parallel Reality PN Critique Forum. Guess I will sit back, go with the flow and see what happens.


Thanks for the reply. :)


Cheers, Mark
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