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CR2 file


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I need help.


I don't know what happened but both Photosop CS3 and Paintshop Pro cannot read my CR2 files on my Canon 40D.

Neither my old files nor my new ones. And I just noticed this problem this weekend.


But I don't have this problem with my CR2 files coming from my Canon 5D. Only with my 40D.


And to be sure that it's not because of my settings in my 40d, I reseted the defaults settings.


I even formated my computer in case it was my computer and it is not that. Also in the second computer I use I have

the same problem!


I need to be able to work my photos. Gosshhh!


I don't have problems with the jpg format on my 40D only the CR2 files.


Do you know what is the problem?


Best regards.



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Hi Alistair, Thx for the tip. I just did the firmware update and it doesn't solve my problem, still the same message, the file is not a supported file.


Aurel, I does the same with the sRAW and the RAW, both in Photoshop and in Paintshop Pro. I can view the file with ZoomBrowser. But I cannot work my files with the a program. This is hapening only since a coule of days. Before that, I didn't have any problems.


I don't know what suddenly happened.

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If you cant work with the files at all in ZoomBrowser then your files (or something else on your computer) are corrupt. Have you tried Digital Photo Proffesional? It does a pretty good job for being free. http://www.usa.canon.com/content/dpp2/index.html and you can convert the files to 16 bit Tiffs and transfer directly to PS3 when you use the batch process feature.
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Thx Trevor for the tip, maybe for Paintshop Pro that's the problem.


Dan: yes it works with zoom browser, I can see my files, this is why I know my files are not corrupt. But for a strange reason, since I noticed it, just a couple of days ago, Photshop says the cr2 files coming from Canon 40d cannot be read. Before: no proble.


And Photoshop can read my Canon 5d cr2 files. I am going on vacation in a couple of weeks, I must sort this out. Also, I have good files I have to work. It cannot even read my 40d cr2 fils I took before I noticed the problem. I had my 40d since january 2008 and this is the first time that this problem happens to me.

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Hi Yannick,

Just to clarify: not all CR2's are the same. The name is the same, but the actual structure of the file can be

different for different cameras. So the fact you could read the 5D's files doesn't mean anything. Most probably,

you are using CS3 with an Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) version older than the 40D. It was posted above you need 4.2 or

later. I know from experience 4.3 works with a 40D, 4.5 is the current version.

<p>If for some reason you cannot upgrade your ACR, Raw Therapee (<a href="http://www.rawtherapee.com/">

http://www.rawtherapee.com/ </a> is a free program that will let you do almost anything ACR will do, and it works

with the 40D.

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You need to update your Adobe Camera RAW software. A link has already been provided.


The RAW files from the Canon 40D are not the same as the RAW files from the 5D. The Adobe software must be updated.


You seem to be deliberately ignoring all the previous responses to this affect, and I'm not sure why.

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Rob, Alistair, Aurel, Allard and Christina: Thank you very much you were right. I updated my Camera Raw for 4.5 and it does open my 40D CR2 files now. I was in doubt but you confirmed it.

I was worried to mess with my computer once more but this was the real problem


Many thx again to all of you for helping solve this. Next time, I will try updating the software first.


Regards, Yannik

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