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Chain of unlikely events led to close Redtailed Hawk encounter.

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Just a matter of perspective, I guess.


I live in rural southeast Ohio and raise chickens, so I have to watch out for hawks that want to carry away one of our birds. I have seen Red-Tailed hawks as large as 2.5 ft tall standing in my driveway eating a chicken, coyotes, wild turkeys, more deer than I can count and I would trade it all for a photo store (not Wal-Mart) closer than 100 miles away.

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One time I heard some scrabbling noise coming from my fireplace. I got a 20 foot ladder and looked down the fireplace chimney. There was a raccoon down at the bottom staring up at me. The chimney insert was a shiny glaze so I figured the raccoon couldn't climb out. I nailed some 2x4s together and shoved that down to give him something to climb on. He left but a few days later I heard the noise in the fireplace again. Getting out and looking down the chimney I again saw the raccoon but this time only three feet down from the top. He just spread his legs out and pushed against the sides to go up and down. Turns out it was a female and she had some babies down there. I just left them alone and when they left I put on a chimney cap. They were cute little critters.


<P><center><img src=http://www.geocities.com/dainisjg/coons.JPG></center></p>

James G. Dainis
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