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Where's Doug Stemke?


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Is he still the pentax forum mod?


Actually, I know I haven't been able to be around much, but I haven't seen anything from Stemke in quite a while. Is he still alive and out

there, or have I just been in hibernation waaaaay too much?

Having missed him in the pic o th' week the last few weeks, and then w/ the suddenly aggressive moderating, I started doing a double



And to justin: have you been smited or given some vacation time yet? Matt was just given a one week mandatory vacation for posting a

worthless thread. Is p-net suddenly having such server crowding problems they're going to carefully review each and every posting across

all the forums and get rid of meaningless text? Is it so crowded we're going to be required to be a "no photos allowed" forum like the

weddings & events? Or is there a newly promoted admin who's feeling all the power rushing to their head?


And that leads me to wonder - who's in charge of deciding a worthless thread? I mean, we hyperPentaxians might think comparing our

features w/ a Nikanon's worthless features and price is worthless, because we already know we made the smart decision! ;-D Is there

a reason I'm not being allowed to stick a reply in under Justin's "over moderation" thread?


Yes, I'm rambling. It's been an exhausting 2 weeks, and it ain't over. Post some great stuff for me in pic of the week, so if I can snatch a

couple seconds online, I'll have something to brighten my life with!!!! Catch you all on the flip side if I survive this!!!

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Hello from the hinterland.


I am a college professor in Biology and am currently working on moving from Assistant to Associate Professor which takes 110% of my time. Then there is the coming semester facing large classes and new courses. So no, I'm not spending a lot of time on this site and I try and resolve things in short order when I'm on.


As to why I moved the post. When I was asked to be moderator of the site what was made clear to me is that each of these forums has its specific subjects, ours of course is Pentax. The idea is that you leave things at the site that you want people to find and access for future searches. There are other forums for casual questions or postings. If anything I do not move enough of these non-Pentax related topics out of this site and really leave too much here. But I hope you note I did not delete the thread, only moved it. There isn't infinite room to store every conversation. No offense was intended and I will continue to prune those topics that get out of hand.

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And as a rule, complaints about forum moderation are going to be deleted. Historically, they do not bring anything to the table but insults and harassment.


If any photo.net user wants to discuss forum moderation I highly suggest contacting the forum moderator with a polite "I'm curious why things are done this way" email. All our moderators are good people who have put in many many hours of energy and work to help photo.net become what it has. Or if users wish to discuss specific moderation or site policy, they are welcome to email me via the "contact photo.net". I get a lot of email, so I'm not going to be able to jump right in all the time. But I do answer every email I receive.


Along those lines, since Douglas has answered the OP's question, and to prevent this thread from becoming a moderation debate discussion, I am closing the thread.

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