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Trying to decide between F4 and F5


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I myself have been debating a similar question, except i'm actually leaning towards a different camera- the F3. I currently

have 2 manual focus nikkors, an F and a N6006 w/ kit lens. Personally, i don't NEED an AF camera, but having AF confirmation on manual

lenses is very nice. I'll probably just get the F3, but if I do get a AF camera, i'd be inclined

towards the F5- better AF and motor drive, not to mention meter. - But this is coming from someone who walks around with

EOS 1d's (i go both ways- cameras, that is) and 15lb telescopes, so I'm kinda accustomed to the weight...


No doubt the F4 looks kooler than the F5.. but it's not really about looks..


On a unrelated note, does the F100 have the ability to mount non AI lenses? I only have one (50mm f1.4 Nikkor S), but it'd

be nice to have the capability.

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Josh Loeser , Aug 28, 2008; 01:04 a.m. wrote: "How strange. I solved my dilemma by purchasing... an F3. I don't actually have it in my possession yet, but I should soon."


Josh, congratulations! The F3 has some typical quirks too, but is in my opinion the best MF 35mm SLR there is (for my type of use, which is 'reportage' and nature photography). Do get yourself the TTL-adapter! (SC-17 ?)

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I have both of these bodies. They each have their own attributes. I prefer the F4 (4-cell config) for macros, but otherwise my preference is the F5, due to its very fast multiple AF points. I don't really mind the extra weight over the F90 or F100. One thing that I do like about the F4 (or F4S) is that you can more quickly check your shutter speeds and aperture.
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Thanks for the congrats above :). Furthering my fortune is that the body I got is apparently in near-mint condition. Hopefully

that turns out to be true. I got my dad's Minolta X-700 repaired today, and it reminded me how much I liked shooting pictures

when I was much younger. I look forward to doing that again. There's a certain feel to the old cameras that just isn't quite

there in either the compact digitals or even some of the newer DSLRs.


Thanks also for the adapter info. I'll have to track that down.

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I used to own both the F4 and F5, as well as the F100.

Between the first two I would not hesitate, the F5 is vastly superior. It has superb ergonomics and up-to-date electronics. It will

accepts all current lenses as well. It offers a fantastic feel when in the hands, heavy but yet very comfortable to use.

The F100 is very close to the F5 in a smaller, lighter package. What is great is that both share the same ergonomics/interface (very

similar to current DSLR as well) making it a breeze to switch from one to the other when your bag carries both bodies. The F4 is

completely different in that regards, it's solid, sure, but so awkward to use after having shot with modern cameras.

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