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British photographer jailed for taking photo of policeman ignoring traffic sign

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... and they wonder why nobody will co-operate with the police anymore?


I would suggest a claim for damages for wrongful arrest except the cops now don't care about their reputations and the payout is only my taxes anyway!


Which any of us dare to photograph one of our 'public servants' without expecting the camera to be punched into our face? How long until we have our very own Rodney King? (Google it)


What have we come to? World's largest number of surveillance cameras ... World's largest DNA database ... Local councils using terror laws to spy on schoolkids and refuse bins ... Mother of democracy .... really?

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The story says the cop admitted he was wrong and apologised. Think story like this does more to help than hinder photography. The photographer in this story stood his moral ground and won the day. The more publicity like this, the better behaved public servants should become. We need more photographers out there -- imagine if another photographer snapped the incident, would he also have been arrested? Imagine a club shoot, a whole gaggle of photographers ... :-)
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"I'd be more impressed if the officer were fired and jailed for misuse of power, and the photographer got a few hundred thousand in damages."


Agreed, but never mind the damages. Until we learn to come down really hard on people who are paid to uphold the law and abuse it - and the senior officers who protect them and brush issues like this under the carpet - there can be no blanket trust in the police. This guy's management structure should want to fire him and secure his conviction, not broker an easy settlement.

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