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Anonymous rating after the photo is out of critique forum


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I was under the impression that anonymous rating is possible only through 'rate photos' as long as a photo is in

the critique forum. But recently I am receiving anonymous rating of images even after it has been out of the

critique forum - both All and the specific category where I posted the image.How is it done?

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This question was asked and answered recently. Photos remain accessible via the anonymous ratings queue for longer than a few hours or even a few days. If a viewer has the patience to wade through hundreds of photos he/she may eventually reach earlier submissions that have not dropped off the queue.


Consider any ratings as validation that your photos are being viewed and prompted the viewer to acknowledge this view with some form of response. As Nick said, many people don't receive any such validation at all, other than the view counter.


And, as Starvy points out, if something about the ratings system bothers you there is an option to prevent ratings for specific photos in preference for written critiques, which are even less frequently given than numerical ratings.

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Starvy, Lex.

I never said that I put this question because I am getting poor rating post-queue. Fact is I am getting both 3s

and 6/7s after it is out of forum. I was just curious to learn how it is done, and I get my answer from both of

you, specially Lex. Thanks. And Lex, I really have this impression from being with PN for these last few months

that I may not like the 3 and 4s, specially when they are showered on my photo in abundance, but then I get as

many undue 6 and 7s also. I know there are many who are extremely dissatisfied with the rating; I am definitely

not one of them - not yet. I feel, that the average is more or less justified, though individual ratings may not

be. Thank you once again .

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Some of the best photos I've ever seen were given 1/1 ratings by people whose delicate sensibilities were offended by photos that were other than of sunsets, birds, bugs or blossoms. If anyone is prompted to offer a rating at all, any rating, the photo has succeeded in provoking a response and motivating the viewer to action.


Anyway, the ratings and critique queues are mysterious things. I don't question them. They are self-actualized entities, dreadful and wonderful, bestowing rewards and punishment with fickle abandon.

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I found using Sharing/ Rate Photos tab, the rating is anonymous, but if I am in the Critique Forum and using the rateing tab the rating is always under associated with me. I've come to the conclusion that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I can't control the ratings, and don't always agree with the 3s, but have to accept all. Remember the law of averages works and if you have at least three ratings the average is within approximately one standard deviation, for those who care.
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