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40D Quick Control Dial Issues


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I was taking some pictures tonight and my quick control dial on the back of my 40D was working just great. I shut

the camera off for a bit. Came back turned it on and wanted to show some folks the pictures on the memory card

and the first pictures comes up fine but when I try to scroll to the next picture the quick control dial turns but it does

not advance to the next picture. I tried a different memory card and same thing. I powered off back on, switched

batteries and same problem. I went to the menu, cleared all my camera settings plus custom functions and still the

Quick Control Dial on the back of my 40D will not work. Does anyone have any suggestions why it would work and

then all of sudden it quits. I can turn the dial itself and it turns just fine but will not advance anything. Please help.



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I hope someone from Canon reads this forum. I fear there are systematic quality issues with the 40D. I got an XTi in December 06, upgraded to L lenses, loved it so much I got a 40D in May. The first body did not power up. Amazon replaced it. The new body works, but has developed two stuck pixels.


The warranty is one year, but shipping insured is on you, and prepare for hell.


When it works, I love it. But it is like an Italian sportscar. You never know if it will preform divinely, refuse to start up, or throw a piston. To say I have buyer's regret is an understatement.


And before I get flamed, yes, I have changed battery, put the switch in the upper position, etc. This is not user error. The 40D has systematic issues, from what I have experienced and what others have written here. The solution for Canon is a massive recall at no cost to the users, fix ALL the problems, and maybe your reputation will be restored.


My XTi has been flawless, and continues to be. I was thinking of selling it, but obviously I need a second body for when the 40D has a bad hair day.


Are you listening, Canon?

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"When it works, I love it. But it is like an Italian sportscar. You never know if it will preform divinely, refuse to start up, or

throw a piston. To say I have buyer's regret is an understatement."


Hmm, my 40D is more like an old VU bug: goes forever no matter what you do to it. I sincerely doubt the 40D design has systematic "issues." Too bad you got a bad one but most of them work just fine. Realize if 1000 guys buy a 40D and

one of them has problems, only the guy with problems will post on the net and complain. The other 999 guys won't post

and say my 40D works perfectly.


So far I've owned an EOS 10S, Elan, 5, 1N, 3, Elan 7E, Elan 7NE, 10D, 20D, 5D and 40D. Each one of these cameras

performed flawlessly for years. In fact, I still use many of them. I've also owned over 30 EF lenses and only one--70-200

4L USM--was defective and needed service. I have to say that's a darn good track record.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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I have had another 40D I bought last September when the 40D first came out and have been using the thing to death and great images www.toddtorfin and taken tons of pictures without one issue. I bought another 40D as a backup and now the QCD is not working. Did they produce a bad batch here somewhere along the way.
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My 40D hasn't missed a beat since I bought it last September. Anything can fail, but the 40D certainly does not have a reputation as a camera with problems. There is no reason at all for a "massive recall" since I don't believe there are any systematic problems with the camera.


Of course anyone can get unlucky and get one which has problems.

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Well, I have the XTi (10,000 images), 4 Canon lenses (2 L series), and an external flash that have performed flawlessly. My first 40D body that was DOA and the one I have now that is on the hairy edge of being sent back. I have cleared the stuck pixel twice by using the manual sensor clean procedure with a capped lens for 30 seconds. Elsewhere in this forum someone said this only works on the 5D, but it has worked twice on my 40D. Canon has no idea why, nor do I.


So to Puppy face, yes, I can be unlucky once, but two defective bodies are pretty unlikely as a random occurrence, unless as I said (and Todd implies) there was a bad batch.


Maybe Todd has a good point of a bad batch in the cameras that were shipped to the US market in the May-July time. Todd and Bob have apparently gotten good copies from last September, but Todd's recently acquired body reflects an experience more like mine.


So maybe my request for a recall should be limited to a certain range of serial numbers or something.


All I know is it works for a few hundred shots then develops an annoying dot. If I had an opportunity to do a critical, only one chance shot today with the equipment I have, I would probably put my 24-105L on the XTi because I am confident it will work. And that is really sad.


Again, I hope someone from Canon follow this forum. Todd has provided a clue that maybe a batch manufactured early in 2008 was bad. They should look into this, look into their rate of returns and customer service requests, and maybe it would shed some light on this. Or Todd and I are astronomically unlucky.

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It really has nothing to do with looking into rates of return or anything else, does it?


Any idea how many hundreds of thousands of 40D's have been sold? Or other models of Canon or other camera?

And how miniscule the reports of defects are?


I got my 40D on pre-order when it was first released. It was dead out of the box. Oh My God, Henny-Penny, the sky

is falling. I got another one on the spot and it has been perfect ever since.


People love to complain; rarely do people love to praise. Sure, we hear the occasional person whose product didn't

work, but do we hear from the hundreds of thousands whose product works as designed? Of course not.


I don't see where one can possibly deduce that Todd provided a clue that maybe a bad batch was shipped. Relax,

enjoy life and remember just because yer paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get ya.

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"The solution for Canon is a massive recall at no cost to the users..."


Were you also born yesterday? Are you a Nkon/Olympus/Pentax/Sony shill? LOL. 99% of the time it's user error -- have an experienced, EOS knowledgable friend directly help you -- not an EOS forum.


Anyway, it's only bad news that generally reported -- good news is generally no news.

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  • 11 months later...
<p>Not sure if anyone still reads this forum since posts look like they were back in 08. Todd - original poster - any chance you got a resolution to your original request? I'm having the exact same issue with my 5D Mark ii - exactly 31 days after I purchased it from B&H and only about 25 days after I've had it in my hands. Wondering what your solution was?</p>
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