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Benjamin Lowy - War Photographer and Storyline shooter


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I discovered Benjamin Lowy just the other day when I came across a b/w Holga multi exposure strip in Time (or

Newsweek?) of U.S. forces in Iraq that was the artwork for an editorial on the war. I was impressed that a war PJ

was using a Holga (or similar trashcam) and that the mag had used one of what I call "Picture Strips" but he calls <a

href="http://benlowy.com/main.php">"Storylines"</a>. Got to "Storylines " in the sidebar.<P>

Below is one of mine.<P>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/japanscape/2583719849/" title="Untitled by AsiaAttic, on Flickr"><img

src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3019/2583719849_3ecb2638b1.jpg" width="500" height="148" alt="" /></a>

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