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Gallery previous < > next behavior

Matt Laur

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Hi Josh:


I (think) I like the < and > controls that appear on either side of an image when you go to view one. I get the idea that

it will encourage people to click one of those navigation points, and further explore whatever portfolio folder they're in.


Two observations: First, the "next" image doesn't appear to be the image that actually IS next in the portfolio in

question (in terms of the sort order established when you re-order to portfolio). Not entirely sure how that order is

being determined, but it would make sense to have the prev/next behavior echo the member's deliberate choice of

image ordering in the folder.


Second: I think the prev/next buttons are just a little too bold. They've got enough visual weight at 3:00 and 9:00 as

you're looking at the image to actually be a distraction. A lighter, more neutral tone there would still serve for

navigation, but take away less from the viewing of the current image.


Keep up the good work.

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"Second: I think the prev/next buttons are just a little too bold."


Bold is an understatement Josh. They really do detract from an image. I think they'd still work if just a couple of shades darker than the background.


There...see..I can rant like the best of em. :~)


You are doing a great job Josh...and I 'don't only say that' so you'll give my portfolio automatic sevens!

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I was just going to do this exact same post. I would always think to myself..."I wish I could just hit the next

button and view their portfolio that way" I am excited to see that you guys added that feature in. I guess the

buttons are a little larger then necessary, even a simple arrow head would do the trick, exactly like < and >

But that is just nitpicking really! Thanks for reading my mind :-)

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Not all of us have 100% good health. Due to a neurological imparment, small icons are very difficult to click on for

those with a handicap. Can the size remain large but the shape or color be changed to please everyone?

Consideration is appreciated. All of us will most likely be in a similar position at some time in our life.

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I've seen gallery presentations on other sites where clicking on the right side of the image gets you the next one and

clicking on the left side gets you the previous one. It's thus possible to have an icon of any size (and weight), but still

select the next/previous image even if you don't quite click on the icon. In fact you don't need an icon at all (though

that might be confusing).


With the present system all you'd need would be a GIF with a larger transparent border to produce a smaller icon which those with limited mouse movement ability would still be able to easily click on.

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While some number of people may not like the current icons, gallery image views are up 15% since they were added. That's 15% more sets of eyes on your images. So we aren't really interested in getting rid of the buttons or making them too much harder to use. Given how important views and critiques are to most users on the site, I would say a lot of people would agree with me.


But we are looking at ways that we can retain that high usage of the buttons, but make them less distracting to the people who dislike them. I'm sure the answer will be a compromise for everyone, as things like this frequently are.

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I understand your point and that kind of increase in views is good. However, unless you actually try to reduce the buttons or use another back and forth method, you cannot know whether it would reduce these numbers or possibly increase them. Bigger is not always better.


From what I've read it appear unanimous that everyone thinks the feature itself is great.

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