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Can I use DPP on a Mac?

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I have a Canon EOS 30D and software. To make room for school programs and other storage on my PC, I bought a

Mac just for editing and storing photos. I shoot so many RAW files, that my PC can't hold them.


I have the Mac OS X 10.4, Tiger on my new Mac. Will I be able to install the Canon Digital Photo Professional? If not,

what is the cheapest program I could use to edit RAW files on the Mac? The office I work in has CS3 as its default

program for editing photos, but substaintial computer time is hard to come by. So basically I need a program to edit

RAW on an older Mac.



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Of course, but the bigger question is WHY would you? Well, if price is an issue...yeah. If you can afford it get Light Room, or at

least Aperture. Both are fantastic programs and can bring stuff out of your files that DPP simply cannot. Since purchasing Light

Room, I have gone back and re-processed everything I have that is important. The difference is amazing, and this advice comes

from having all three programs plus capture one and bridge.

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Hmmm..., didn't you ask a similar question on the Canon forum? As Peter said, and said on the forum, check Canon's

Website for drivers and downloads for the 30D and you'll see DPP is OS-X 10.4 and 10.5 compatible. The EOS Utility is

now only for 10.5 but you can get an older version by scrolling down the list of downloads. Good luck.

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Thanks. The biggest reason for the question "why" is absolutely funds. I go to school and work as close to full time as possible, so the answers to my questions would be a lot easier to answer if I could afford up-to-date equpiment. Unfortunately I can't and digging through information is the only way to make sure I'm getting the right bang for my small buck. I did ask this in a different forum, but under different circumstances. In that forum I had not purchased the computer yet, and in this one I had. I was digging to find out if it was neccessary to look into buying a version of Photoshop or if DPP was adequate for my needs.
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