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Canon formally announces Rebel XS and 430 EX II in USA

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B.J. Scharp


My old camera was the Rebel XS. (KEH has a couple for sale.) They also had the X, XS-N and other models.

I'm just commenting on how the model numbers are reused 10-15 years later, but the cameras and technology are so different.

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I'm surprised to see that Canon now list the DSLR line-up as the two 1 series, 5D, 40D, 30D XSi, XTi, XS and XT.




I think it provides a better clue to the pricing of the XS - but Canon Europe no longer list the 30D or the 350D (XT) - they are both "archived products".

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I think the XTi is the "better" version of the XT, just like the XSi is the "better" version of the XS, so the names make

some sense, even if they are a bit confusing.


It does seem like it's time for Canon to update their list of "current" cameras. I can't really believe that they are still

making the EOS 30D. They must just be selling of their existing stock. They certainly don't need 4 different Rebel

models unless it's some sort of marketing ploy, where the more models you have available, the more shelf space you

get and the more likely a consumer is to pick one of them on a random basis. If you have 4 Canon models, 1 Nikon

and 1 Pentax, I suppose you might get more Canon sales, even if all 4 models look pretty similar to a confused

consumer. That's the way they sell P&S cameras, so why not DSLRs.

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Mmmmm, I bought the 30D exactly 4 days before the 40D was announced, and the 430EX roughly a month before the

430EX II was now announced.


Maybe I'll do you all a favor and run out to buy a 5D tomorrow so the much-anticipated 5D successor is finally released... :/

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Does anyone know if the Canon Rebel XS actually shoots RAW. I was reading about its release, but they did not

mention anything about RAW+JPG or RAW by itself.

PS: If you need a cheap backup body go to BJ's.. The Old rebel XT is selling for $350, unless you are getting it

cheaper else where.. please let us all know! :)

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