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Why is Nikon so far behind Canon in technology?

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Hello everyone, I am a Nikon user and have always wondered when Nikon comes out with something new, (Camera

bodies) why does it seem like their just barely uping the megapixals while Canon already has a 21.1 megapixal

technology. Nikon only 12.2 megs. Is this what you would call a money game or is Nikon just not up to par with



Regards, Erik Barnes

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I am a Canon fan of the FD film series, and the digital P&S of the Powershot series. For more modern film and digital SLRs, I go with Nikon, and I guess I always will, since I am invested in Nikon lenses. I have never made a print larger than 12 by 18 inches, and 4-6 megs is sufficient for that. Have a D70 and D200, thank heavens I didn't spring for the D300, now with the D700 announcement. I think that number of pixels and telephotos longer than 200 mm are the two most overrated things in all of photography, IMHO.
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I can tell you right now, that a few pros are thinking of jumping ship and trade in there 1ds Mkii for the D3 instead of

upgrading to the Mkiii. They've tested them out and they are absolutely impressed. For me its about time Nikon made a

full size chip and canon can do something about it. So canon my wish list for a MK IV DS would be......

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Don't fall for the "more megapixels is better" sucker line. Sometimes it is, sometimes it's not. There's a lot more to a digital camera than the number of pixels on a chip.


Having said that, for a long time Nikon was much too conservative (part of that comes from being a much smaller company) and lagged behind Canon. Happened in the film era (too long to update the F4), and then in the digital era. But I would venture to say that with the release of the D300, D700 and D3, the shoe might be on the other foot now.



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This post just has to be from one of the main characters in Three Billy Goats Gruff ( http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/type0122e.html ).


As I understand it, Canon is a much larger company than Nikon, with interests and production that goes well beyond cameras, and hence has greater resources. However, the question of who is in the lead, is necessarily like the battle between armor and artillery.


This is a simple matter of algebra:


At time t, company x has the technological lead over company y. At time t+k, where k is a constant usually about one year, company y will have the technological lead over compay x. and so on.

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The sensationalism of the subject line of this thread will probably make it challenging to find reasonable conversation in it.


As I see it, the only thing that Nikon is behind in is the a high-megapixel competitor to the 1DsMiii. By all reports, one should be out soon. Nonetheless, Nikon's sensor technology is up to speed, as evidenced by the D3, and now the D700, as well as arguably (within its segment) by the D300. In several other ways, some folks argue that Nikon's technology is superior (e.g., the iTTL system, though I'm not experienced enough with Canon's system to get into that argument).


So, I don't think it's as simple as saying that Nikon is clearly and generally behind. If you are simply sticking to pixel counts, and to that one high-end offering, then yes, Nikon does not have an effective competitor in the 20MP range yet.

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Take your pic (pun intended)...


I believe both Nikon and Canon DSLRs offer more than most photographers will ever require.


Can't really go wrong with either of those brands.


Maybe one brand has a lens (or lenses) - or a flash system - that is better suited to an individual's requirements...that's about it.


Cheers! Jay

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<i>Sony is a much bigger company than Canon, and now Sony is making FF chips. Canon is going to likely fall behind as time goes on, as it can't match Sony's budgets or it's economy of scale.</i>


My god, the gasbaggery that goes on in this forum is amazing sometimes.


Sony is about twice as large as Canon by sales, but Canon is a better-run company and makes substantially more profit. The products in question are a small portion of either company's business and there's really nothing that can be said about any "economies of scale" or "budget" based on the relative size of the two companies.

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>>> I think that number of pixels and telephotos longer than 200 mm are the two most overrated things in all of photography, IMHO.




With all due respect, and i know it's your opinion, while i agree with your opinion on the MP's, but the telephoto's? While you may not shoot wildlife and action sports, telephotos shorter than 300mm(at the very minumum) are a necessity for absolute best results.

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Well if you really want to shoot with some Canon gear for a while why dont you rent some stuff. Take it for a spin and see if you really like it.


21 megapixells is in the realm of medium format if it has the right lens attatched. But if MPs are what your really after you should look at the H3DII from Hassleblad. http://www.hasselbladusa.com/media/1342809/uk_h3dii50_datasheet.pdf

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Thanks Dan, I was just on their site the other day and didn't see the new H3DII listed. Pretty interesting data on the H3DII. Will be keeping it in mind as well. Depends though if I want to spend the hefty price tag though. LOL.


Regards, Erik

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Well for one thing, Nikon has larger MP count cameras on the way. And for another thing, 12MP is really great for most

things. I use the D3 along with a host of other gear professionally. In a rack piece brochure that is 12x18 in size, there is

a double truck by me with the D3 at 1600 and one with my buddy's 1DS-III. The D3 image looks as good as the 1DS-III.


You have to use good glass, really good actually. Nikon is not lagging, they are ahead. And I did use Canon for 4 years

before the D3. I noticed in your bio it says you have learned everything from the internet, books, etc.

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>>>>stay off of the net, get out and shoot and talk to real top name pros. What you will find is that most of what you read on sites like this are from the "Nuevo-Net-experts" hardly the real thing man, hardly.


I wish I could but I don't know any. Can you recommend any classes or seminars?

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