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The check is in the mail!

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Just got a letter from the IRS (wonder what it cost to send one of those out to every taxpayer). My stimulus check is in the mail! Six hundred dollars

to spend any way I want to help stimulate the American economy. Thanks Mr. Bush. So, what to buy. I'm liking that new Nikon Coolpix P6000. I

should try to purchase something American made but I can't think of anything right at the moment. Maybe gasoline?

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Nah. Spend it on subscriptions for folks brave enough to go on record with giving ratings of 3 or lower. Or, if they're already subscribers, just send 'em the money for beer. They'll need it after getting an earful from all the folks who claim they'd welcome attributed ratings, no matter how low, as long as they're accompanied by a 1,000 word essay defending why the photo is not perfect and explaining how to make the photo perfect.
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"Just got a letter from the IRS (wonder what it cost to send one of those out to every taxpayer). My stimulus check is in the mail! ..."


Not true at all. Those who pay the most taxes oddly don't even get a stimulus check; apparentl;y we deserve nothing for giving so much. So... you're welcome! It's a redistribution of wealth / bizarre idea for a left-leaning gov't.

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For those outside of California, Marin County is often jokingly referred to as a super rich area comprised mostly of flaming liberals. I

don't understand how a conservative reactionary like Ken to stand live there. Anyway, Ken, thanks for the check, and what was

my false claim? BTW, Ken you DO understand we are all just having fun on these forums.

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Sure I understand, but why would you write "every" when you meant "most" ?


No problems, Marin County, like MANY counties (not all) in Californa have super rich people and just average people like me.


How do you define Super Rich? Too many cameras I guess where you cannot even use 'em all and too many pro lenses and no knowledge; or, too many expensive cars (12+) and no knowledge to drive them correctly. I have no friends or family in those categories.


No bid deaL.

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I was mistakenly under the impression that anyone who paid taxes for 2007 got a stimulus check. I guess I would define super

rich, or, maybe I should just say loaded, as a couple who would pay 12K to attend the Pebble Beach Food and Wine Event. Of

course all these great events, AT&T Pro-Am, the Jazz Festival, the Concours, etc, etc, etc, all have a charity attached to them so

those who attend can get a nice tax write-off for a charitable donation. So some of the wealth redistributed back to them! BTW, I

live in the poorer area of Carmel and attend all these events, but for free as a photographer. On the outside looking in...

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