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EI Rating for old Fuji MS 100/1000?

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I've had good eperiences with old E6 film that has been frozen. Now I have

a roll of Fuji MS 100/1000 that I suspect had only been refrigerated since

the late 1990s/early 2000s. I am going to use it in a situation where I only

need b&w images, just in case the color is wacked out.


I suspect it might have lost some speed. Is it worthwhile to rate at EI 80, or

is that risky because of the latitude of slide film? I shot some really old

frozen Ektachrome Elite 400 at EI 320 recently, and it did pretty well. Keep

in mind I will be scanning and dense slides are tough to deal with.



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I bought MS100/1000 for my trip to Kauai years ago because I wanted something I could "push" to higher EI while still getting high image quality. I think I pushed it to 800 (2 stops) and used it to shoot pictures from a helicopter. It worked out very well. The color was very good.
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Actually, my recollection is that the standard speed is EI 100, not 200.

I remember shooting it "normally" at 100 and was pleased with the results; at EI 200 and 400, contrast increased and there was a noticeable red shift in the colour hue. Then again, my film was outdated when shot.

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