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Chinese site TOOK MY PHOTOS from PN and is selling them!

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Thats right! The site is www.gjart.cn

I found them by casually googling my name. Using Googles translation service I

think they might be selling them Either way they don't have my permission. Am I

alone? Anyone else see there's on here? Can I do anything legally?

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All you can do is get to the web site hoster and complain. That or find a lawyer.


After the Orphan Photo Bill passes congress you will no longer have any rights unless your pics are registered for a fee with all the pic agencies. You copyright will no longer give legal protection. If you even bothered to copyrite register.


I do not put up anything saleable. You can watermark and put up very low rez photos.

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<i>After the Orphan Photo Bill passes congress you will no longer have any rights unless your pics are registered for a fee with all the pic agencies. You copyright will no longer give legal protection. If you even bothered to copyrite register. </i><P>

This is complete nonsense that has been debunked repeatedly.

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Tim, I found this page on the gjart site:



My first language is Chinese, so I can read that page.


Not that it makes it ok, but I don't think they are selling your images, and they do put your name there.


I always put low-resolution images in my photo.net portfolio so that even though some people may like those images, there isn't much commercial value in them at such resolution except for web display.

Otherwise, the concept of intellectual property and copyright is simply not as well developed in many countries.

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'After the Orphan Photo Bill passes congress you will no longer have any rights unless your pics are registered for a fee with all the pic agencies. You copyright will no longer give legal protection. If you even bothered to copyrite register. "


Well I was going to use a commonly used 9 letter word describign the waste product an equine produces, but I'll be polite and just point out that Moravec's unfounded, and ungrounded in reality claim is just "manure."


Tim, Here is a very effective way t ostop people from doign this: water mark any photos you post in a publicly accessable "gallery". And do register your copyright! it is cheap and easy. Copyright registratio ngives you significant legal clout to go after the thieves.

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<i>Copyright registration gives you significant legal clout to go after the thieves. </i><P>

Assuming the courts and police in the jurisdiction where the violation takes place actually have respect for copyright laws and agreements.

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<i>Assuming the courts and police in the jurisdiction where the violation takes place actually have respect for copyright laws and agreements.</i>


Exactly, Mike.


Even in the good old USA you'd have a tedious time of getting satisfaction, often costing more in time & expense that the photo(s) is worth.

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> Chinese site TOOK MY PHOTOS from PN and is selling them! (. . . ) Am I alone? <


1. No.


2. No disrespect meant by this comment, Tim, but, are you really as surprised as your exclamation mark indicates?


Surely it is naive to believe that anything posted on the internet will be respected in regards to any ownership or acknowledgement laws, moral or enacted?


A Photonet colleague recently wrote on a similar thread, (not verbatim): I see the theft of my posting images on the web as just another business expense.


He has evaluated the cost to him, as have I.


Posting any content of any (perceived) value on any website, especially one`s own business website, would be like me asking the Studio Manager to leave multiple copies of 16 x 20`s and our business plans and leads sheets and . . . etc, outside the studio door each night when she locks up . . .


Persoanlly, I`ll stick with posting a few birds and some inconsequential playful shots and also choosing what, when, where, and how much I write, and upon what subjects I comment.


I value my clients, and my businesses, far too much.


My clients have paid far too much for quality images and private and personal service, especially for their Wedding Coverage.


I have put far too much time effort and capital into my businesses to have our trusts and contributions violated by me, or any studio employee.


Whilst the internet is a valuable tool, it is remarkable to me that so many in businesses continually underestimate how vulnerable they are, with an unfettered, undisciplined use of it.



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