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How do I remove photo details from the file?


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I have a D70, D80, and D300. When I take pictures with these cameras, very

specific photo information is saved in the properties of the photo. When I right-

click on the picture and go to Properties, I can see the exact camera that was

used, the focal length, aperture, shutter speed, any exposure compensation,

ISO...etc etc.


How do I remove this information from the files?


I asked Nikon and they said they dont know how....recommended I try a 3rd party

program. I assume it can be done in Photoshop somehow....any ideas?


- Gabe

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In Adobe Photoshop Lightroom yo ucan edit the EXIF metadata, but if yo uare doign this to fool a stock agency's requirements ftrust me, the big ones aren't goign to fall for it -- they see enough images from enough cameras to know the signature qualities of different cameras. And if for more nefarious reasons there are forensic tools that will dig out the real information from layers deeper than you can access. If you are doing it to cheat a client, well I hope you have decent lawyer on retainer.
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I need to remove it so others dont know how I take my photos. There are only a few people that do what I do in my area and we all know eachother. On my new d300, pretty much everything is shown!!! add the GPS and there is pretty much NOTHING they will not know regarding the photo....would prefer to keep my work a mystery tot hem
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But... the data stored in the EXIF is just that: data. It just describes the settings on

the camera. Oh, and the date/time, so you might be able to infer the position of the

sun in the sky.


Surely photography is more than just a collection of settings? I view EXIF out of

curiosity, but I guarantee you that I can't take the same picture as you if I buy the

same camera, set it to the same settings, and stand in the same place.


I really wouldn't worry so much. "How you take your photos" is as much a part of

what _you_ bring to the picture as what you dial into the camera.


But, as others point out, Save For Web will do this anyway.

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