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photo to photo editor of national magazine

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I recently submitted 4 low res photos to the photo editor of a well known national

magazine for consideration. I did this after first emailing him to inquire of his

interest in them and was told to submit them for consideration. I sent them on

May 19 and have not received any message from him since then. I know photo

editors are busy people and certainly don't want to appear as harrassing. My

question is how long do editors normally wait to make decisions on submissions

and what are the guidelines a photographer should follow after submitting for

consideration? Ray Dove

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Every photo editor has different timelines but it's not uncommon for them to take 1, 2, 3...6 months to respond, if they respond at all. I'd give it a month from the date of submission, then send a follow up email, but don't be pushy. Then maybe another email every 6 weeks or so from then if you still don't hear. Good luck.
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