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Would it be possible to automate the EXIF to show under each image? I see the

"Equipment" fields under my images are empty. If I add information manually the

format may not always remain the same, and it will definietely not be the same

if I look into the others galleries. Also the repetitive tasks should be done by

computer, not by us. :)




- Sergey

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It is something that we want to add in the future. However, even when we do add it, there will still be a huge percentage of photos that do not have EXIF because the photographers have used "save for web" or some other process that removes the EXIF data.
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Maybe you could help me out then because I hardly see the advantage of adding the EXIF data. I would have absolutely no problem to show mine but I think the advantage of seeing them is very limited. I'm one of those that never fill out the equipment field. But that's just because I'm lazy, not because it's a secret. In my opinion asking works best. I'm more than willing to tell anyone which techniques I used or the principles of DOF to a novice for instance. That I think has more value than adding the EXIF data. I have found that a lot of other people are willing to do the same. Those that are afraid to share their "unique" style will prevent you showing them anyway.
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I think it's more just that people are interested in knowing shutter speed, aperture, focal length, etc. They don't really need to have a conversation about it. And a lot of photographers on photo.net (myself included) don't bother to take the time to add that info to our images. If EXIF data capturing was available, I think a lot more people would make the effort to adjust their workflow so that it showed up.
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Thanks Josh, maybe you're right although I'm sceptic myself. Also I myself have never found it usefull to see if a photo was taken with an aperture of 4 of 5,6. or a ISO rating of 100 or 400 because in essence it doesn't tell you that much. You're right in the sence that I rather talk content but in the short time that I've been here people have asked me sometimes what I did on some photo's. Like I said, that works better than adding data that don't tell you anything usefull in a practical sense.


Lastly, it doesn't take four years of studying photography to learn basic technique. Putting in a little effort on their behalf would tell them a lot more on how to apply shutter speed, aperture, focal length, etc.

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It's all the same to me, but I post only because I think that I am not alone in feeling that there are probably other things to work on that could have higher priority than this. It's easy enough to see the EXIF data if you want to, and not much reason to display it for all occasions. If such a thing is implemented, I'd hope that the individual could turn it off it they so desire.
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