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Picture of the Week to Picture of the Day?


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Could we possibly switch the Picture of the Week thread to a Picture of the Day

thread? The current threads literally freeze my browser due to picture quantity.

I'm on the latest release of Firefox and a decently powerful machine with 2 GB

of RAM. I can't be the only person who has problems with the threads. I pity the

poor folks still on dial-up.

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I would check to make sure you are not having some sort of problem. Not that the idea is bad, but I have never had a problem, and I have an 2 year old laptop with 1/2 gig of ram, and my desktop is 4 years old.. I run both firefox and explorer.. so have a check with your system. It should handle it ok.
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I'd like to see it stay picture of the week. Once a week a more or less I can plan for. Once a day I don't think we'd get the participation.


But I understand your problem and more than likely it is a concern for others. My suggestions:


1) Individuals limited their contributions to one or two images per week; their best for the week. If you have a series you want to share put it in it's own thread.


2) Either post them inline uploaded to photonet at 511 or less pixels wide. Or if hosting off site and using html to show a larger image; limited the image size to a max of 700 pixels wide or what ever size the "upgraded" site is resizing them to. (The whole large image regardless of size image has to be downloaded before being resized), so large images hosted on a another service are more than likely contributing the most to the slow loads.


Just my two cents...


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I use Firefox with exif viewer as well as several other add-ons and the picture of the week threads load almost instantly. I think it may be a problem on your end.


If Firefox is too "slow" for you, I suggest using Fasterfox to speed it up. I use it and Firefox is blazing fast for me, and always has been.

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Got no problems with a POW thread, loads just fine via a 1.5Mbs (real speed) cable modem.


I do think as Roger pointed out that if you have more than 2 photos you should start a separate thread.


However, it's equally bad to load 1 1600x1200 image as it is the load 3 500 pixel images.


I'd recommend the people that post full size images scale it down to a nice 1000pixel or smaller size. If linked properly (and you want people to see it bigger) they should be able to click it to see a full size image.


Keeping in mind a 1200 pixel image at JPEG 12/100 can be over 1MB to load and if there are 50 of them that's a lot of MBs to load per page.

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I think the POW is a great feature for our little community. I don't have a problem loading the thread but I'm with Roger and Justin in thinking it's a good idea to limit the number of photos each person posts. Two max seems good as even though the intention was for a (one) picture of the week sometimes it's hard to choose. I'm as guilty as anyone of posting more than I think I should.


I think size is important too. I don't mind sticking to the PN rules and sizing to the width of 511 pixels (it gets posted as 523 x ?, usually). I keep to that in the hopes that it help will give everyone a chance to post and to view. I know it doesn't always show off the photo the way I might like it (and I usually put a frame on mine which makes for an even smaller photo) but as Justin says, if we want a larger size for everyone's viewing pleasure, maybe a link is the answer.


For me, I love to see what everyone else thinks is important to record in their lives, what the world looks like through their eyes and what they like to do with one thing we all have in common, the Pentax camera. For that I don't need a poster size image filling my computer screen, a little one will do just fine.

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I vote for a maximum of 2 pics per person (which means 2 is optional, not mandatory).


Personally, I'm well pleased when I manage to take 1 good pic in a week. In any case, a limit of 2 should help make us more critical with our own work, which can only be a good thing.

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I don't think having 'rules' is a good idea.. Though, if you have a large group of photos you want to share, post a new thread. I prefer doing that as it doesn't clutter up the picture of the week threads. Not only that, if I want to search for them, my photos are in one place.
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Not so much rules, more like organization.


I'm as much of a libertarian as anyone but without some basic rules the world would be chaos. I think keeping the POW thread organized is more the goal.


I'm doubtful anyone will be admonished for putting 3 really exceptional photos every now and again, but I think the goal is to keep it so everyone gets to showcase their photos on a single thread without it becoming so slow and cluttered that people don't even want to bother viewing it.

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I wonder if somehow the images could be compressed upon posting so that the thread shows smaller versions of the images and only shows the larger version upon clicking on them - This way, the page would load fast regardless of the amount of images and a reader could click on only the images that interested them, or, more importantly, one at a time so it didn't bog their browser down..?
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Not unless you did the html yourself...not difficult, but more effort.


I think an informal request at the top that posters in the POW thread keep their pictures down to one or two top images is a very good idea!

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Hey all, thanks for considering request. I tried the thread with IE and it didn't freeze, but some of the pics took almost a minute to load. I'm going to have a talk with my ISP.


Fasterfox sucked for me. It slowed me down. Getting rid of it was the best performance improvement I've made to Firefox.

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