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Return from Costa Rica, close calls, and a question.


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Hi All.


I just returned from an absolutely incredible eight days in Costa Rica. I started

out with 13 college students in toe and actually somehow returned with all 13

back to the States. Remarkably beautiful place to do nature photography.

Although I went primarily to keep the students informed about the natural history

and geography they were seeing I had plenty of time to do some marvous



Anyway I did have a couple of incidents with equipment. I saw a fairly close

Hummingbird from the third floor of my hotel. I open up my bag and my Pentax 20-

35mm f4 fell out of the bag three stories below, just missing a student on the way

and pluging into soft mud. It was fine; can't say the same thing about the

student's or my own heart. On the same trip a tripod that was strapped away flew

out of an overhead bin onto a the head of a consultant on the bus. Glad to say

she wasn't seriously hurt, but I was feeling pretty small and had a sense like my

equipmet was jinxed.


I do have a question about sensor cleaners for the K10D. For the first time I

seem to have dust and a few spots on the sensor that the K10D sensor cleaner

can't clean up. I did a quick search here and found a product recommended by

one of our posters but when I went to B&H I found it discontinued. I've never

cleaned a sensor before so I'd appreciate any comments on safe and easy to use

cleaners. I used to be nervous about film pressure plates, this seems a lot more

problematic to me. Any advise Y'all might have would be appreciated.

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It's great to hear I'm not the only klutz on this forum! The exploding tripod gambit sounds pretty impressive--you must tell me how it's done.


As to sensor cleaning, the first step is cleaning with a blower. So far, that has effectively resolved all my dirty sensor issues. I felt like I was doing brain surgery the first time I did it, but if you take reasonable care and follow the instructions in the manual, it's NBD. If (when) I encounter a problem that can't be cured by blowing, I'll take it to a pro: no way I'm going to attempt a procedure which requires actually touching the sensor.


Got photos?

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Sounds like a great trip Douglas. I have Costa Rica in my sights as a destination to hit sooner rather than later. Guatemala as well.


Sorry to hear about your equipment mishaps, it happens though.


I have heard of people recommending some product that begins with the word Copper.. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, I just don't have any experience using wet cleaning products on the sensor. Pentax offered a kit, maybe they have it on their site?

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