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Multi-Exposure--Interesting Result

shots worth sharing

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As I've mentioned, I've been experimenting with multi-exposure. Here's a shot I

took on campus today. It was pretty dark when I first opened it so I took it

into Photoshop Elements (6) and added a LOT of fill (I didn't want to just

increase exposure because of the vey bright highlights.) I had to decrease

saturation a fair amount when I got it back into FastStone. I'm pretty please

with the result (except for the hose and truck. of course.)<div>00PbCS-45363684.thumb.jpg.0498789389f2ab41c820687f9e1d27c8.jpg</div>

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dave - (it's maria, typing for both of us) - the picture looks really nice. I'm having a

hard time deciding what's making it so intriguing to me. I'm settling on the fact that

it does look so very close to exactly the way our eyes would see it.


Matt sez: in Photoshop, select your layers palate. Set the mode to "screen" and

then just stack in your individual exposures and it turns it into a multi exposure.


Beyond that - you gotta get in a whole conversation with him. I can crop, dodge,

burn & add text. I'm just now getting into messing w/ layers. But here's a sample of

fireworks from 1wk ago.<div>00PbKE-45403584.jpg.6bf8cd0dc2393fc15c41c786bef1fb9d.jpg</div>

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i guess I'm supposed to mention the above was 4 separate frames all stacked up.

Some of the frames were multi-exposed in camera. So really, this is 8 or 9 stacked

exposures. And that's matt's shadow down in the bottom L corner there....

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Maria, I'm going to have to really learn that stuff one of these days (if I can stop shooting, printing, fishing, buying lenses and chauffeuring my daughter long enough ;~)


And yes it does look pretty much the was I saw it. It's a delightfully cool oasis in the heat of summer (but a wind-tunnel in winter.)


I'm going to have to work on re-recreating the effect in other situations. I think the key is exposure: I had purposely made the take exposure reading on one of the brighter areas which is why it was so under-exposed and required so much fill.


Nice fireworks. I like it when people move--it shows they're alive.

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