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How to focus? (for street photography)


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I want to ask any/everybody using Canon EOS dig. bodies ( small sensor types) ;

how do you focus in street shots? Do you use autofocus / manual focus/ all points

auto focus/center autofocus ? Sometimes it can be annoying , especially in

crowded streets and while using AF . Do you recommend to use custom settings

changed ? If so ( in 400D ) which custom setting do you prefer?

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What works for me dept: I've gotten in the habit of using single point focus and usually go to all points only when lifting camera high overhead with both arms for one of those hail mary maybe i'll get something shots that some people expect of pjs. ( :-> ) Also custom functions set so I can change focus point with just the joystick thingie.


Note: I'm using a 5D, not a small sensor camera.


I'm not that crazy about this set-up -- much preferred Nikon -- but other Canon advantages persuaded me when I bought the 5D.

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Use a shorter focal length and prefocus: e.g. at 24mm f/8 and ~3m focus distance you have zone focus covering about 6-60 ft: this also allows shooting without raising the camera to your eye which can help with candids. Using a shorter focal length will encourage you to get closer to your subjects.
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Since converting to Canon DSLR I like this method most: AF, Centre point, focus and recompose, AF set to `*` (using a 20D and a 5D)



Sometimes, (usually with a 28mm to 50mm lenses), `knowing` the DoF limits, I will pre focus on a point at a set distance (using AF) and shoot without refocussing provided the subject does not move out of acceptable range.



`knowing` = I have `steps` memorized for 35mm, 50mm, 85mm at: 10 ft, 15ft and 20ft (that`s 135 format)




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I agree with the AF, Centre point technique. I don't normally shoot streets, but do a lot of "working" dogs where the action is frequently very fast as they attempt to shepherd sheep through a set course.

My only warning is that you should attempt to aim the centre point at the face (or portion of the body that contains lots of detail). Single colours like black or red T shirts really slow down the AF, and frequently cause a focus error since the camera electronics can't detect a change in contrast as the lens focus is changed.

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Nice technique.


A Picture (and analysis) is worth a thousand words . . . one very valid answer without any words at all.


FL = 10mm give a lot of scope: even up close and at wide open @ F3.5 . . .


I guess he never knew what was happening?


One question: why Av? and why then, F3.5?


You had enough light, why did you not exploit F5.6?


Was it just that you didn`t have much time, prior to seeing the shot looming in front of you?



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>>> I guess he never knew what was happening? One question: why Av? and why

then, F3.5? You had enough light, why did you not exploit F5.6?


I snapped it from 2-3 feet away - nothing sneaky. *Usually* leave my cam on max

aperture cuz there's so much variability on light walking down the street. Ultimate

sharpness is not that important to me.

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