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Canon EOS-1D Mark III vs Nikon D3 "Sports AutoFocus Showdown"

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<P>It's nice to see someone actually try to judge the relative AF performance using a real, reproducible test. Though I suppose one complaint could be that more subject/lighting conditions would need to be tested.</P>


<P>I really don't understand comments from people like this one however: <i>However, my time with the D3 has led me to seriously question whether I would stick with Canon in the future.</i> It literally took Nikon years to offer anything to compete with Canon at the high end. Does anyone really expect Canon to sit back and not respond? I expect that, sooner or later, either a 1D mkIV and/or a 5D mkII will give the D3 a run for its money on all counts.</P>

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one thing that's fairly certain, the buyers and users of these current and prospective cameras will be the winners of this competition, regardless of how it shakes out for manufacturers. i for one think it's healthy to see nikon working hard to shed its image as an also-ran in high-end DSLRs. for us, you pays your money and you takes your choice. the important thing is, we get better and better choices.
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I don't see that test as being anything to rely on. Someone needs to devise a more standardised method. e.g a swinging pendulum with a variable set of swing speeds or a moving car at a standardised speeds. Anyway I'm happy with my 1dmkIII nothing to complain about it's an awsome camera even before the recent firmware 1.23 I didn't have any issues but mine is from a more recent batch. They are both for different purposes anyway so pointless comparing them. I like the 1.3x for BIF and my 5D still holds it's ground in the full frame race. I think what keeps me with Canon more so is the 300mm f2.8LIS lens.
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