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I bought three classics

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Yesterday from the junk market I bought three classic cameras. Just want to

know how others say about it:


1) Canon Canonet (plain Canonet, Japanese made): In working condition. I

checked the shutter speeds and apertures they are working fine. Overall physical

condition is immaculate. Leaf shutter. I got it around 6 USD. Its with original case.


2) Zorki - 4K (Russian made): Aperture working fine. The shutter setting ring is

loose. The shutter release button is working. Viewfinder screen is blur and I think

there is some issue with focus too. Overall condition is good. It has focal plane

cloth shutter. Its with original case. Price: 3 USD approx.


3) Adox Polomatic 3S (German made): Shutter realease button is working. The

glass on the front panel is broken 20 percent. Viewfinder screen is blur and I think

there is some issue with focus too. Aperture and shutter speeds have some

problems. Its leaf shutter. Overall condition is fair. Price 1.60 USD approx.


Now I want to delve in the repair of last two. Its my start in repair.





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I had an Adox Polomatic 3S some years ago which I gave to my nephew. I remember, it has a razor sharp Schneider Kreuznach lens. I tested in b & w and colour too and the results were amusement. Hope you'll share some pictures soon.



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do you know that the Zorki has diopter adjustment? that is probably why it looks blurred. move the lever under the rewind knob to adjust... it always goes out... nice feature, beautiful VF. The shutter knob is probably just the screws... just tighten them. The big thing is to make sure your lens mount is 28.8mm from the film focal plane... you just have to measure it carefully with caliper/depth and add paper shims. The RF itself is an easy adjustment. If the shutter works well it is a great camera!
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You did not state which Canonet that you had found. If it was the QL-17 GIII. Now, that is a real find! Those go for upwards of $175. (Yes, I have seen them at that price.) Though normally, that model will go for $75-$125. If it is the Canonet 28...not so great but it will go for more than $20. If it is the QL then the filter size is 48mm, readily available, & a 49 Hama Hood with a little tape modification will work just fine. On the Canonets, whichever model, be certain to check the seals. By this time if they have not been replaced they will need to be. There are posts on this matter & it is not expensive & can be done at home. On the Canonets meter you will need to read up on the various battery options as the orginal battery used in those models is no longer available.
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