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looking for a small pocket camera

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HI all, I am looking for a small digital pocket camera to use on the street for

candid shoots and a few "bar" shoots. most photos are printed to about 4x6 or

5x7. Any one have any Ideas?

Have a nice day


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That'll be just about every compact digital on the market. Someone I know gets great

results with a Canon Digital Ixus something-or-other, but that doesn't mean that there

aren't at least 50 cameras that won't meet your specification admirably.

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That's all this forum is, it's equipment discussions! When's the last time anyone posted about the aesthetics of photography on the "digital cameras including point and shoot and SHOPPING" forum?
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No matter what cam you get, consider one with "face detection," a feature I laughed off

when I first read about it, but have now come to really appreciate it. Bar shots will

feature faces, and having that feature will really help. Most of the major brands offer it

now. Also, for snapshots, look for a scene mode that can soften skin tones. Another

feature I never thought I'd use, but it can be very useful.

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Denny there are so many brands and models out there that you would really have to do your homework before purchasing such a camera. I had some extra money a few weeks ago and began reading reviews of small pocket size point-and-shoot cameras on the web and in several Photo magazines.


A lot of the features are the same but they vary in quality and functionality. I was dead set on getting an Olympus but after reading a review which claimed the optics were so-so, I changed my mind. Then I started looking at a Panasonic which was a beautiful silver camera that could fit in your shirt pocket exactly what I was looking for, except it did not have real viewfinder. I wanted something wiht a viewfinder.


Then I read an article about the cameras that shoot RAW. I said maybe I need to get one fo those. The article mensioned Canon G9 that is a great camera but a little too big and bulky, Ricoh GX100 which shoots great pictures and has a real Wide angle lens, unfortunately it does not have a long focal range max focal range is 70mm(that sucks) Leica D-Lux 3 which of course uses a Leica lens. The Richo even has Image stabilization !


What stopped me from going any further was the price for these luxury point and shoots. Over $300-500 ! For that kind of money I might as well get an SLR . Kodak is coming out with some ildly priced point-and-shoots with really impressive functions. Yes Kodak, but I'm not sure about the optics yet.


This is what I really want is a point-and-shoot that shoots RAW, has real wide-angle, a real viewfinder a focal length of at least 105mm and maybe Image stabilization and can fit inside you shirt, or jacket inside pocket. I can cough up the extra hundred dollars if I have to, but right now my budget is only about $200.

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