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Focus Error or Normal Behavior?


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I picked up an 85 1.8 and the first thing I noticed when I chimped the first

few shots, was that the center focus point that was selected (S/single AF area)

was not the point focused upon. Tried several f-stops and distances...same

thing. Took a yardstick and shot at a 45 degree angle, and I see that its

focus in front of the focus point by a 1/2 inch or more (depending upon

distance and f-stop). I tested several other lenses and two bodies

(D200's)...only the 85 does this on both cameras.


This lens was purchased used from an individual, and was in a plastic bag, free

floating in some packing peanuts. I am thinking that it could have been jarred

causing misalignment. It is very sharp where it does focus...at all apertures.

So, before I ask this guy to pay for a repair...I want to make sure I'm not

overlooking something simple. What do you think.

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For the price of return postage, you might just pack up the lens (more secure than you got it) and return the lens to the guy you bought the lens from. [KEH, in Atlanta, has the good ol' six month warranty for a used lens.]
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I've received at least one AF lens and other delicate equipment packed that way - IMO, this is better padding than the more solid fiber board or styrofoam packing provided by most lens manufacturers' original packaging.


The mismatch between the lens and your camera body doesn't necessarily prove there's anything wrong with the lens. Go to a camera shop and compare it on one or two other bodies.


Did you examine the photos on a computer monitor or only on the camera LCD?

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If you like the lens, have it repaired. Keep in mind that there are tolerence to all settings and sometime the stack up is all in the wrong direction giving a large error.


I might have the lens checked, then if you are still not happy, have it set to your camera.


One local NIKon repair person tells me AF and Af D lenses are set for film cameras and will focus differently on digital.

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Hi Lex,

What I mean is that there was insufficient material so the lens could actually settle against the side of the box without being protected. I always wrap in bubblewrap and then pack enough peanuts inside so there can be no shifting. Hope that's more clearly stated.

Ronald...all of my other MF/AF/AFD/AF-I/AFS's...Nikkors and others are fine...?

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<<One local NIKon repair person tells me AF and Af D lenses are set for film cameras and will focus differently on digital.>>


This is not the first time I have seen this statement. It makes no sense to me. Does anyone have any definitive information direct from Nikon?

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I don't get that either. I shoot about 40 lenses (a mix of Nikkors and thirds...AF's and MF's)...this is the only lens that I have ever seen this in. I'm skeptical about the claim. "One local Nikon repair person" could just be some camera repair dude. If I heard it from a company rep. or tech. it'd carry more weight.
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