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Can Photography Be Too Intellectualized?

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"Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it annoys the pig."

Robert Heinlein


If anyone has a copy of the British Journal of Photography Annual 1976, on the bottom of

page 74 is a photo by Daniel Meadows which says more than I can express about the

intellectualization of art. I haven't permission to reproduce it here, sorry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can Photography Be Too Intellectualized?


Of course,however, it gives an outlet to all including the armchair photographers.


But then it it a interesting fun thing to intellectualize about. Why not indeed.


The all encompassing arms of Photography has a place for everyone.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Photography can be a activity in witch u can express consciously our not your mood. Even the colors, the theme can mean something. But people are people and u take a picture and u can look at it as simply a picture or a picture with personal meaning. I speak for myself, if I'm happy my tendency is to take a colorful picture not just beacuse colors can mean hapiness to me, but is also because i look at that that way.


On philosophy school manuals photos appear to ilustrate and to complete the meaning of the texts. The question is: has the photo the same interpretation before and after reading the texts ? i guess not.. so my point is: can be a philosophic meaning in a photo, but only if you want.


Ana Fonseca

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"The question is: has the photo the same interpretation before and after reading the texts ?"


I'd say one can only know another's interpretation through their language. The effect of an image on someone is a private matter until they convert the effect into language and express it. Some artists are inclined to include expository materials, such as titles or a text-card for the purpose of guiding interpretations, wanting a language-event within the viewer to correspond to the provided text, reinforcing the artist's intention for the image. Literature, such as criticism and history of art, also guides interpretation.


Language has more power over us than images, and tends to supplant the image, making it an 'illustration' of the text. Personally, I don't care about the effect of language on visual arts, but think language can be used to deadly effect on documentary, turning it into propaganda, for example.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Folks, lets' be real and true to this subject. People have argued, for years that Photography is not art. They all say that, the time essence of creating pictures are the reason, for pictures, to fail in the art forum. They all argue that the time " fature" is what differs' from true art.

But with the evulsion of digital photoghraphy and the digital darkroom are debates that photos' can

become art, in itself.

I know that, with, all my tools that a picture can take hours or days to produce a finished product.With the right representation of your work, photography can become true art.

The fact is to remaim, humble about what each photo brings to you and speaks to the viewer.


I don't know about you, but photography is very spiritual, to me. I must say the things, on my mind.


I must give, all the credit, for my talent, back to "GOD ". He gave it to me, period. When I go out on a photo shoot, the Lord whishers, in my ear. He tells me where to go, when to be patient, when to move on, to a different area, and tells me when he will show me his glorious creation. He blesses me for being obedient, and following his gloroius walk to show and reveal his glorious creation. Then it all starts with following the voice. And acting on what is shown, to you, with you visual eye, to see what is all around you.

The inspiriration of photography, is all around us. It's up to us, to capture it, edit it, represent it, and produce the image , in an art form, period.

People can say what they want, but photography can become true art, If we are willing to push it to the limit!!!!!

Just remember, that GOD gave you this talent. Give him the glory, he deserves, when you receive that Wow picture.

Photography can = Art. It's up to you.

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Yes. Yes it can Glenn. You are absolutely right. For some people, including me, there has always been a intuitive feeling with photography-

the mechanics, the composition, the moment. Not everybody has this connection with the medium though. For some people the image,

and the mere concept of photography is where they feel that connection. They have a deep affinity for the "cannon" of photography- that is

the wholeness of it as a medium. I also am one of these people. I like experimenting with the material and technical aspects of the

medium, and exploring the philisophical and human aspects of it too. I for example read something, say a primer on Quantum Physics, and

then take those theories and see how they already are and can be applied to my work. I must say that many of the people posting the

highly intellectualized answers are very well read, but not necessarily as highly experienced as a professional photographer, like you. We

should be open to their ideas, but always taken with a grain of salt.

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