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Some people don't like ratings. Their feeling get hurt when someone gives their work a "3", so they'd prefer not to get ratings and avoid that particular trauma. Some people are just philosophically opposed to assigning a numerical score to a work of art.


You can still get comments, even if you don't want ratings.

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<i>"submit for critique only"</i> is a lot different than telling me there is a <i>"disable ratings option"</i>. I though you had found a bug somewhere.


Yes, as Bob says, you can still get comments if you choose to submit for critique only.

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Josh, sorry to alarm you. As for ratings I just didn't find them helpful but found people were being lazy and handing out numbers rather than telling what they didn't like. Thats why I was interested in the option. I plan to use it from now on because really numbers don't tell me much (does a 3 mean the lighting was bad or the composition is off?...) Thanks guys!
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In fact, submitting "For Critique Only" may get you fewer comments because without ratings your photo can't get into any TRP categories for longer exposure than the Critique queue allows.


Giving honest meaningful critiques to other photographers on their work is the best way to ensure that you receive the same. In a community like PN, what goes around comes around.



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What is TRP? As far as I know none of my photos have gone any further than a couple of hours on the critique queue. I guess I should take that as a sign! I actually give out lots of critiques, some meaningful and some just quick compliments. But that doesn't seem to help. It seems that people either just aren't seeing my photos or I'm just so bad that they don't deserve a critique. Thanks for the advice.
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Shea, you'll actually get fewer views and fewer opportunities for someone to offer a comment if you opt out of the numerical ratings. Stick with it and just ignore the numbers if they don't seem helpful. But statistically you have a better chance of getting a comment if you play the ratings game.


Also, always try to respond graciously to any and every comment. If people perceive that their comments are not welcomed they won't offer again. And if some thoughtless person does say something obviously non-constructive, it will be obvious to everyone else, so try to avoid the temptation to respond defensively. And if someone writes something deliberately hurtful I think I can just delete it.


Offer comments on photos that you admire taken by other photographers. If you're not sure what to say other than the equivalent of "That's pretty" or "I like it," use this as an opportunity to study art history and criticism. A fun introduction to art appreciation is the PBS series "Sister Wendy's American Collection." While not specific to photography, I know from listening to friends and family who watched that series that it opened their eyes to new ways to see art.

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Thanks Lex! This was really helpful. I don't think I have ever really gotten anything other than helpful/constructive criticism, which I welcome. My problem mostly is that no one is seeing my pictures. Most of my shots put up for critique get maybe 20 or 30 views at most, some not over 10. But what you said is very helpful. Thanks.
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