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The viewfinder on my 5D went blank today


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I am on vacation in China with a 5D DLSR loaned to me by a friend. I have a

28mm-135mm IS lens. I was shooting this morning, pressed the shutter release

button and the viewfinder went blank. I cannot determine what went wrong.

Fresh batteries, new CF card, if I depress the shutter button halfway, the

camera appears to be taking proper readings.


Forgive me if this is a simple fix, I am total newbie. Any help would be

appreciated. On vacation for 2 more weeks and don't want to be left with a

small point and shoot as my only option.

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Usually viewfinders go blank in SLRs when you take a picture... Could you explain what do you EXACTLY mean? Was the same thing happening before? Do you mean that the viewfinder gets blank while you fully press shutter? Maybe "bulb" is set in manual mode? Maybe you turned on time release with mirror lock-up? Reset camera's settings and try again.
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Has the camera been set somehow to aperture priority or one of the other advanced settings and therefore the exposure time is long, making the viewfinder dark since the mirror is up? Try setting the thing to 'program' setting.
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This happened to me with a fairly new 5D. The LCD went blank but the camera was still able to shoot and save good files. It wasn't a simple fix. I sent it to Canon to fix since the camera was under warranty. Either the LCD back light went out or the LCD itself. I'll never know since the camera 'disappeared' on the way back to me. If you can still shoot files, you can still use the camera--you just won't be able to see the files immediately.
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Sorry I got confused. I just happen to have my Canon 5D manual on me and it lists the viewfinder as that square little hole you look through before taking your picture. It lists the LCD Monitor as that 2.5" inch screen that you use to blayback the pictures you have already taken. I know, it gets confusing.
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If the viewfinder goes blank, this can only be because the mirror has flipped up and the camera is making an exposure. If it's blank for a long time, that's got to be because it's taking a long exposure.


When this sort of thing happens to mine it's because the exposure time has been set to a large value; such as when in manual mode and the and the wheel gets moved, or when shooting with flash and forgetting to change over to manual first.


Rechecking the shooting mode ought to cure this. Well, I hope so.



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Thanks to all of you for your suggestions. Lost the internet connection in the hotel last night and just getting back online.

I have double checked battery level, new CF card, I have cleared all settings. I have contacted Canon tech support and they have offered the same initial steps as those here. I will be visiting a local Canon dealer to see if they can offer some insight. I am a bit nervous to take the lens off, might muck it up worse and that might strain the friendship with the owner.

Again, from this newbie, Thanks for all your help.

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