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FYI on Adorama Price for GX100

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Can I please take the opportunity to introduce myself to you all; my name is Helen, & I've been appointed recently as the Customer Service Ambassador for Adorama, as part of a new strategic plan for the company.

My role is to pick up on sales, website & policy issues, and where possible, address them, to ensure complete satisfaction when you purchase from Adorama Camera (whether on-line, in the store or by telephone).


If you have any queries, problems, issues or gripes, please do not hesitate to contact me directly, which we hope will be more effective than posting on the forums, where queries can easily get missed.

I can't promise over night resolution, but be assured that each & every customer is important to us at Adorama, and I will always do my best to ensure that you are happy with your purchase.


You can contact me at: helen.oster@adoramacamera.com


Best wishes


Helen Oster

Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador

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I went ahead and ordered one -- I'm not sure what makes it a "demo", other than a minor tear in the outside box sleeve it was in mint brand new condition -- every individual part wrapped in plastic, no indication that it had ever been out of the box. So I'm pleased with my "demo" bargain, now to read the manual.....
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