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shutter curtain mishap

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Hi everyone. I googled this, and I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but wanted

to post here before throwing away the camera. The last couple rolls of film from

my wife's Nikon N75 haven't turned out. It looks to me like the top shutter

curtain is misaligned. The prices I've seen online to fix this seem to be more

than the camera is worth, and I've read that this is not a DIY project. Trash

it? Trust her with my N8008?


<img src="http://i25.tinypic.com/nz3jue.jpg">

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Thanks everyone for the recommendations for alternative bodies. The 8008 is much, much heavier than the N75, so we will probably go down that path.


It was my intention to "try" fixing the issue myself, but I wanted to see if anyone had any ideas before giving it a shot. I got the curtain back on track, but there is definitely a tiny crease in it now, and it doesn't quite lie as flat as the other two. It also sounds a little funny when you press the shutter, but I don't really know what it used to sound like before. We will be shooting a roll this weekend and seeing what happens. It is now either fixed, or it is now garbage.


Thanks for the replies.

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