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Monopod/Tripod interaction


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Seems to me it would be desirable to have a tripod and a monopod which shared a

common mounting plate.


Is this true for anyone else?


My visit to the Bogen site indicates that the tri I'm looking at has a quick-

release plate, but the only mono the sell ("DIGI Pod") has the ubiquitous



I have a cheap Quantaray of both (tri & mono), but I'd love to avoid the 60

seconds or so it takes me to attach/detach (or vice versa).


What do most people do? Is this a rare scenario, where someone would want to:

shoot 1) handheld 2) tripod mounted and 3) monopod mounted (I'm talking about

the camera here...) all in the same shoot?

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Abe, I am in the same situation but have come to the conclusion to find a tripod head that uses the same QR as a monopod specific head.


Currently I am using the Manfrotto 390RC head which is fairly lightweight and easy to use. I like it although it's a bit bulky. I took it out on a day hike on the monopod a few weeks ago and it got smashed up a bit as we were climbing through crevices.


I thought I had found a fix for the monopod when I bought the Manfrotto 323 quick release plate/adapter, but it appears that the newer design has a locking tab that does not clear on the monopod. The monopod mounting area is too wide and the QR will not screw on properly or completely.


My last resort is to go with an entirely different system or pick up the 234RC tilt head for monopods. Only issue here is that it's rated for only 2.5kg and the K10D w/grip and the DA 18-250 is close if not over that limit. Plus I wouldn't dare walk around with the camera on it like I can with the 390RC.

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I'm a little confused by this thread.


You do realize that youur mono pod and tripod can take the same head?


I use the same head on my monopod and tripod. I have a cheap ball head as well but generally I use my 3 way head for everything.


So you only need one QR holder and a few camera plates (if you use multiple cameras or lenses with tripod collars).


When you decide to go tripod simply unscrew the head from the monopod and put it on the tripod. do the reverse to go the other way.

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Well, mine can't and since I'm relegated to photos on the web of plates/ball heads/QR holders, so I'm basically asking the question.


I'm thinking that the Bogen-Manfrotto 718B Digi Compact Tripod is right for me, both in size, functionality (not ready for balls), and price. It takes the 384PL plate.


I cannot determine from any online source that I can find whether or not I can put that plate on my K10D and QR it off, and then onto a Digi monopod, and vice versa.


Am I missing something?

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I use a large, heavy, yet functional and inexpensive Amnova ball head with the plate that came with it on the Amnova and Berlebach tripods below..



<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/7042110-lg.jpg" alt="butterfly">




I use a small Slik head on my Ultrapod II, Ultrapod Clamp and when I unscrew the cork top off my Komperdell Antishock Guide hiking stick I use that I use as my monopod. Hope this helps.


<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/7042112-lg.jpg" alt="butterfly">

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<p></p><p>Ok this is what I have.


I have a bogen 3025 3 way head (as well as 2 cheap ball heads, one bogen and one cheap chinese, oh and a cullman ballhead so I have 3). the 3025 is my head of choice. I have a 661 Monopod, and a 3221W tripod. </p><p>Here is what the head looks like.</p><p><a href="http://www.onecall.com/ProductDetails.aspx?id=6965" title="Bogen 3025 3-D Tripod Head"><img alt="Bogen 3025 3-D Tripod Head" src="http://www.onecall.com/ImageCache/Bogen_3025_300x250_s.gif" border="0" /></a></p><p>Monopod</p><p><a href="http://www.bogenimaging.us/Jahia/site/bius/pid/6780?detailPid=8632&actualPathCategoryKey=1CAT:AAA1:2CAT:BB34&kindOfProductCollectionRequest=productDetail&marketList=MARKET:MKT1%7C&productCode=681&productDescription=HD%20PRO%20MONOPOD%20%283-SCTN%29&curBrandId=MAN"><img src="http://www.bogenimaging.us/webdav/site/main/shared/products/681/D0010_d8f6bbb625b36a36a311316380a64768_main.jpg" border="0" /></a></p><p>Tripod...notice how the base just has a screw thread? You simply unscrew the head and switch between the monopod and tripod.</p><p> <a href="http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.euro-photo.net/images/for_articles/bogen3401b.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.euro-photo.net/cgi-bin/epn/info/equip_reviews/Bogen3401B_3410.asp&h=350&w=215&sz=7&hl=en&start=2&sig2=NoXqVFjBhDewBpy5YwRwXw&um=1&tbnid=8A9PJWspG3bOdM:&tbnh=120&tbnw=74&ei=_RPWR_n_PJKugwK2xIDvBA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbogen%2B3221%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1B3GGGL_enUS259US259%26sa%3DN" title="Image provided by Bogen/Manfrotto"><img alt="Image provided by Bogen/Manfrotto" src="http://www.euro-photo.net/images/for_articles/bogen3401b.gif" border="0" /></a></p><p><a href="http://www.momentsoflight.com/home.php?page=tech_whytripod_equipment_3221W"></a></p><p>This is the RC2 quic<a href="http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.euro-photo.net/images/for_articles/bogen3401b.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.euro-photo.net/cgi-bin/epn/info/equip_reviews/Bogen3401B_3410.asp&h=350&w=215&sz=7&hl=en&start=2&sig2=NoXqVFjBhDewBpy5YwRwXw&um=1&tbnid=8A9PJWspG3bOdM:&tbnh=120&tbnw=74&ei=_RPWR_n_PJKugwK2xIDvBA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbogen%2B3221%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1B3GGGL_enUS259US259%26sa%3DN" title="Image provided by Bogen/Manfrotto"></a>k release. That whole assembly mounts on top of your tripod head using the screw that normally screws into your camera. </p><p><br /><a href="http://www.ritzcamera.com/product/293414207.htm" title="Bogen RC2 Compact Rapid Connect Adaptor With 3157N Plate 3299"><img alt="Bogen RC2 Compact Rapid Connect Adaptor With 3157N Plate 3299" src="http://a1672.g.akamai.net/7/1672/116/20080301/www.ritzcamera.com/graphics/products/2-07/293414207.jpg" border="0" /></a></p><p>Then these plates screw into the bottom of the camera or lens. All you do is open the above lever and push camera down. Lever locks shut and voila you have a camera mounted on the monopod or tripod. </p><p><a href="http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_p/002-7270813-3834467?url=search-alias%3Dphoto&field-keywords=RC2&x=0&y=0" title="Manfrotto BOGEN 3157N Quick Release Connect Plate RC2"><img alt="Manfrotto BOGEN 3157N Quick Release Connect Plate RC2" src="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/21X05991D9L._AA160_.jpg" border="0" /></a></p><p>If you look at the top photo of the 3025 head, the screw for the camera is where the RC2 attaches. it's really pretty simple but it's all number soup. If you live anywhere near B&H or a sore near that size, they will have ALL of this so you can test it all out. </p>

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The newer RC2's (323) available to me have a locking tab under the release arm that prevents it from mounting on a manfrotto monopod simply because the mounting base of the pod is too wide. Otherwise it would work just fine. You could sort of see the brass colored piece in this picture.


<img src= http://www.manfrotto.com/webdav/site/main/shared/products/323/D0010_2880003b7957d5b41674afd63924f940_L.jpg>

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