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Missing things on Apple Macs

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Has anyone experienced things going "missing" on the Macs?!


I run Leopard, Aperture 2.0 and so on. The other day, I shut my Mac (a G5 Mac Pro) down for bed. The

next morning I booted it up only to find that all my Safari bookmarks had vanished overnight!


Just now, I opened Aperture only to find that a complete Smart Album and a new book I was preparing

have both completely vanished!!


I certainly have not deleted them, so where is all this stuff going and why?! Any ideas?


I also note that I have had a number of crashes on the system in recent weeks since loading Leopard and

Aperture 2 - more in the last month or so than in the previous 2 years, in fact.

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Don't have the problem with these on any of my machines (various processors and models).


Are you sure that you have the latest upgrades on all? There was a flurry of upgrades at the time of the release of Leopard, but once that was over all stabilized here, at any rate.


Finder>Apple Menu>Software Update

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Not a Nikon user, but a Mac user. Got a couple of questions:


Are you fully updated on OS and apps (and, do you have background updating enabled)?

Have you verified disk permissions? Have the files actually disappeared from the hard disk

/ file system or have only the albums / projects disappeared? Are you using time machine?


Apple support forums are full of knowledgeable people as well.


To answer your initial question directly: no, I've never had any thing go missing on any

Mac. Both of my work machines run 10.4.11 and LR, though.

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The only time I've had anything like that happen is if the preference files get corrupted.


If you're using Time Machine, obviously see if you can "go back." If not, run the Disk Utility

(either in /Applications/Utilities or on your OS Install Disk) and run a verify/repair.


Stupid question....you haven't added/deleted any USER accounts, have you?

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Thanks all - yes, software is updated and I have just run the disk utility - one of the externel

hard drives had some issue, which has been repaired.


I was using Time Machine until I ran out of disk space and had to turn it off!! I have 1 Tb of

storage spread over 3 disks and TM seemed to refuse to delete older stuff to replace with

new. I might buy the new Time Capsule unit just for TM use.

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Two things to try.

First reset your permissions - use your install disk and after you boot from the CD go to the

utilities and select reset permissions.

Second reset your pram by restarting your mac and when the black screen comes up press

the apple - option - p - r keys all at once and hold them down until you hear the second

bong and then release letting the computer boot. Hope this works for you.


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I saw something like your first problem ('missing' Safari book marks) once. The cause was

a 'Sync' operation with unexpected results. I had multiple computers syncing things like

book marks, addresses and appointments, and inadvertently over wrote the computer with

more extensive book marks, with a second set of book marks from another computer

which had fewer book marks.


For your second, Aperture, problem, I have never seen that combination, but I did see

some projects vanish, which re-appeared when I re-built the Aperture library. Library

rebuild is a potentially destructive operation, so read the warnings before trying this.


&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp...Tom M

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