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Once owned by Pentax, always owned by Pentax?


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I could just scream. Actually I just did. I had a beloved K10D that I finally

outgrew. I just felt there were better cameras out there. I waited until I

felt I couldn't wait anymore for them to upgrade. Got tired of the reports of

doom for Pentax. I went with Sony, which is, in fact, a very good camera!, but

said I would go back to Pentax if they ever upgraded. I nearly cried the day I

sold my Pentax, but well, life goes on...........


So....thinking I had until May to make the big decision, I ordered a K20D. I

read the post about B&H shipping early, but I was safe. I checked Amazon last

night, and they still said May, but I sat down and said ok, this is NOT a good

financial investment. I have NO lens, no flash, no nothing left. I'll just

keep the Sony. Got on the computer this morning, and guess what? A note from

Amazon "this item is shipping early." I can't cancel it now. It's coming. So

here I am broke again. Thing is, I know, I know, I 'could' send it

back.....but I am not in love with my Sony. It's a GREAT camera, it's just I

am not in love with it........


So, why on earth did they say May, when it's the end of February!!!! Well,

guess I better at least order a lens today.....doesn't work well without



Guess I am about to become a proud Pentax owner again.(unless I find that the

Sony really IS better)........



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<i>I had a beloved K10D that I finally outgrew. I just felt there were better cameras out there. I waited until I felt I couldn't wait anymore for them to upgrade.</i><p/>What about the K10D that you outgrew?<p/>And what is it about Sony that made you consider it a better camera than the K10?<p/>These aren't rhetorical questions. I really would like your opinion.
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Sometimes we all fall into equipment-phobia (fear of not having the latest and best equipment) however at what point as photographers do we not reach our potenial as a creative person? Perhaps the lack of creatvity is not caused by e-phobia but by limiting our eye and mind to the potential with-in ourselves.
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Someone who has a "beloved K10D" and "finally outgrew" it when the model is *barely* 16

months old has issues I don't understand. What about the K10D did you outgrow in such a

short time, and how can something you only used for a year at most be "beloved" in the

first place?


Said another way, what about the K10D's capabilities and feature mix did not achieve the

goals you had in mind? What about the Sony did? And how does the K20D surpass the

Sony's suitability for your use?


I don't "love" equipment. I use it.



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Wow, now I feel totally inadequate since I have not yet outgrown my DL/DS combo!!! ;-)


I realize that if Pentax doesn't produce a lens in the range required (such as a 600mm f4 for wildlife use) you may be forced to switch to another brand to meet your requirements, but... the K20D would still have most of the limitations of the K10d except for higher resolution. What I am saying is very similar to the question from DS, what does "outgrown" mean in this case and why was Sony a better choice?


I also must point out that I am honestly curious.

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Is this what they call a Pentax complex? Or just a camera complex ;)


I know little or nothing of the K10D but i seemed to think that was the one with 10MP sensor? In body stabaisation? Weather proofing? Sturdy pentax build? Maybe ive got the wrong one, I'm a minolta user after all. But that sounds like an amazing camera, nothing else quite like it out there, especially at that pice.


How did you feel you outgrew this camera? What lenses did you have on it? I feel the camera has to be comfortable in your hands, thats all thats really important. If you get the enlargements out of it you want, there you go. There is not a whole lot else to it. After that its about what lens you put on it (more important than the camera) and what you actually do with it yourseld as the photographer (more important than the lens).


I would never switch brand. Im not going to kid myself into thinking it limits me. I have probably over... erm... probably over 2300GBP worth of lenses invested in there (ah just added them all up, thats scary). I know i cant reach the potential of those lenses right now, i just hope i can one day. I'm using the A100, Id only consider a substantial upgrade frm that as Full-frame. But seeing as Sony have gone megapixel mad (!)24MP(!) i wont be able to afford their first offering.


Sony are a good brand. Built on minolta. If you want any lens or flash advice just ask me, I'm more than willing to help. Just enjoy taking pictures with it, thats all i advise... which ever camera it is you have i dont know, i assume A700. Wonderful camera.

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Matthew McM wrote: "Most people are happy when things run ahead of schedule! ;-)"


We're not used to Pentax doing that, Matthew. I think everyone was counting on the new cameras and lenses to start shipping in July or so LOL!


Godfrey wrote: "I don't "love" equipment. I use it."


Oh no! Godfrey doesn't have a soul!!! ;-)

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I love photography. Not equipment. Equipment is just enabling technology. I find various bits

of equipment pleasing to use, serviceable, capable, etc but I don't "love" it. I use it, enjoy it,

and trade it for other equipment I like more when appropriate.


If that means I have no soul, so be it. I'm a student of Zen philosophy. '-)



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I love my cameras and lenses - and I can't imagine selling any of them... even my retired k1000 that I haven't done more than steal the lens cap off of it - when I lost the cap on my 21mm... no. I own my cameras as a life-long process - they are more than stuff - they have history - and take on a life all their own as I use each one of them...


I can imagine giving those ugly zooms ... perhaps. If I convince a friend or two to buy into the Pentax brand - I'd willing pass those lenses on - It would be a great starting point to support their effort into joining this great hobby. :)


I love photography - I love equipment and the potential each peice holds - to create masterpieces.


Long ago - I began collecting art - I'd buy a painting - then go to the effort to have frames made for each one... until looking at the art work - the frame not only highlighted the beauty within - but was beauty all it's own.


Cameras are like that... they create beauty - but, I love the beauty of the camera itself - no pictures necessary. This is most especially true when it comes to the older models - the ones made with metal and leather...


Ah ... yes. I must be full of 'soul'. :)

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I thought you went with a Fuji S5?


And what Sony camera was better than the Pentax K10D?


The A100 was a pretty basic camera about the same as the K100D but not as good.


Did you get the A700?


I've heard of people going to Olympus, Nikon, Canon, Leica, Panasonic, but I have seen few reports of people jumping to Sony from a major brand (and Pentax is a major established camera brand with a record of quality products).


I'd like to know more about what Sony offered?

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Justin, I currently have my feet both in the Sony/Minolta and the Pentax systems. There are things that I like about Sony, and there are other things where Pentax is better. I don't think it is possible to say one is better than the other with any of the current DSLR systems. They all have their unique advantages, and it boils down to trying to find a system that is best in line with your requirements. For me, I wish I could somehow merge the best of Sony and Pentax into a single camera/lens system...
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I love something that for me is "cool"- for what is special about it, in terms of what it can do, how it can do it, how it handles, and how well it is made, and all of that for how good a dollar value it is. I drive a low-miles 12 year old Lincoln Town Car because I love the design of that period, and although accommodatingly very large, it can get 22-30 mpg on the highway, flat land, depending on speed and conditions. Very roomy and comfortable for travel. It has an instant readout of MPG, which I think all cars should have. It also can give a reading of average MPG over any period selected. It has a wide mouth, huge trunk that can swallow my bicycle. To me it looks beautiful, and it is not uncommon for me to have total strangers come up and say something like- "they don't make them that any anymore, that is beautiful- in great condition." I've had it 3-1/2 years, and like it so much, last summer I found another one a year older with only 44,000 miles, and bought it as well. So now I have two! (I kinda tend to do that)


A design engineer would have to be one who has love in this capacity. That job requires a mind and talent that can combine attractive looks, ergonomics, and functionality, and look upon what is produced with love and pride.


But I am also left wondering was possibly lacking in the K10D? Hin Man has reported that for him, his K10D shutter trigger was too sensitive. Well, at least that is something specific and understandable!

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I'm on Godfrey's side - I like to have capable equipment but it's the art of photography that keeps me going, not the equipment. I'd have to say that I'm just as happy pointing my Spotmatic at a subject as I am pointing my K10D. The only thing I seem to do more with the K10D is experiment with internal camera settings. And I do appreciate the instant gratification of digital. However, I really want a Pentax 67!!
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Thanks for the link Rob.


Debbie, you seem a bit confused. I think you're going too fast, try to slow down and learn all your current camera can offer, whatever it is.


I read your thing about the seminar. If you really knew enough about your equipment you would be certainly be able to "argue your way" into that seminar - unless it was really all about Nikon's Creative Lighting System (which I doubt, Canon or Olympus flash systems workd differently).


You can go to any "Pro" seminar with a K1000 and learn a lot. It's all about light and knowing how to use it.


All in all, I hope you have good fun with your K20D, you're very lucky to have it. Enjoy it!


P.S: did you lose any learning opportunities because of the Alpha?

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I read the other thread, about Pentax being rejected as a valid choice by a major seminar (my words). I can understand that that would turn Debbie off from Pentax and result in the purchase of Sony (also a very good camera). My confusion comes from ordering the K20D??? The "reason" given in the other thread hasn't gone away so why order another Pentax at all after committing to the Sony/Minolta system?


I own two Pentax bodies and enough lenses to cover 18mm to 300mm, I also own a pair of excellent Minolta lenses. I would buy a Sony body (if the price was right) to use those lenses again but it is not a priority, and I would not sell my Pentax gear to do so. As Godfrey has pointed out several times, having different systems at the same time is fine if they fill different niches in your photography. A Sony A700 would make a great addition to me because it would offer a higher resolution camera that I would use mainly for telephoto work with my existing lenses. My Pentax DL with the FA35 f2.0 lens would still be my "compact" to take everywhere (I believe "horses for courses" was the quote used earlier.


My confusion with Debbie's post is just that the initial reasoning seems somewhat flawed. If something important to me was disrupted because the equipment I owned was not supported I would probably change brands as well, but I wouldn't then turn around and go back as soon as they offered a new model.


I am just confused by the whole affair!?!?

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