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Reputable online press release agencies

mark amy

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First off, apologies, this isn't a legal question, but it wouldn't fit in the

other categories either.


Can anyone recommend a reputable online press release/news agency that they have

used or know to be good?


I'm not looking for free, but can't afford anything extravagantly expensive either.


Thanks in advance,


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You might just consider your local newspaper, unless you have unlimited funds for travel. Online press releases, if very good, may find you taking inquiries from far-away places on short notice. Is that what you are looking for?




Some news agencies have openings for visits to Iraq....

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Mark, I'm in PR so I hope I can give you some advice. Use the internet to do some research and issue releases directly. Start by making a list of the magazines you know of including photography ones, bridal, lifestyle, fashion, etc. Record these on a spreadsheet. Checking out your local newspaper shop will also provide a few titles you were not familiar with.


Then you have two routes: 1) you buy one of each magazine and take the name of the (news) editor from the contacts page or 2) you try to find the magazine online and see if they like the name of these editors there. Record these details in the spreadsheet.


If you can get the phone numbers for these people, give them a ring and ask what the press day or week is. This is when they submit copy to the production team, and hence you should allow enough time for them to write about your release in time for this cut off date.


As for issuing the release, I write them in Microsoft Word and then do a mail merge using the list in the above spreadsheet. This is better than sending a group email where the contacts are blind copied because many editors have filters that send such messages straight to the junk folder. And under NO circumstance send the release in a group message where you put the email addresses in the 'to' box for everyone to see. This is a big no no!


Make sure you also have a 300 dpi photo of yourself to supply, as well as a selection of your shots, should they ask for them to accompany the copy. Try to have a combination of portrait and landscape style and remember that they might only be printed very small so bear this in mind when you create your selection.


And last but not least never ring up an editor asking 'did you get my press release?'. This is the quickest way to getting black listed!


Hope this helps,




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