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Recommended Polarizing Filter for Canon 17-40mmL


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I just purchased the Canon 17-40mm L for my 5D. The sales guy convinced me that

a normal Polarizer(non slim line) would function fine. After a day shooting I

noticed rather disturbing vignetting. I subsequently did a series of tests with

and without the polarizing filter (no UV filter attached for any test) and with

and without the lens shade. All tests shot wide open at f4 and at 17mm. The

Polarizing filter was the cause. The vignetting quite severe. I'm not talking

about the fall off at the corners inherent to this lens, but actual capturing of

the filter in the images. I had read on various reviews that using a regular

polarizing filter with the 17-40mm should not be a problem, though I am aware of

the fact that one should be careful when using a regular polarizer on a lens

wider than 28mm.


Can anyone suggest a slim line of good quality that they use with this lens that

does not cause vignetting? I know of several slim line polarizers including the

B+W which is very expensive. Any good quality less expensive ones? The Hoya

for example? It must be easy to rotate as well.

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I used the same lens on my EOS 3 a few years back and seem to recall using the low profile B+W multi-coated circular polarizer with good results. However, I will concede that it sometimes provided an unnatural look. I have at times cheated with other lenses by using a step down ring and a MUCH larger polarizer than needed, it's funky but sometimes it helps the vignetting, you can forget about using a hood with that setup. Paul
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You don't, by any chance, already have a UV filter on there for "protection" and are stacking the C-Pol on top of it?


There are various slim filters to choose from. However, watch out because some don't have any front threads, which means there's no way to put a lens cap on with the filter still mounted on the lens.


Now, I don't have 17-40/4, but I do have an older 17-35/2.8 that also uses a 77mm filter. I've used a standard B+W MRC C-Pol on it without any vignetting issues (granted, it might be a difference in the lenses... not all 17mm perform exactly alike).


A large filter like that is going to cost a lot, for quality. It's not a good idea to compromise too much, if at all possible.

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I do not have a UV filter stacked below the polarizing filter. As I stated , I did the tests without a UV filter so that is not the cause of the vignetting.


I am aware that not all filters (slim type) will allow for the lens cap.


I have also read that the 16-35mmL has less of the inherent fall off vignetting when set at 16mm. That design may suffer less from the addition of front filters as well, and so I am aware that not all wide zoom lens designs are alike. The problem is this lens design and, though I really like the lens so far, I just have to resolve this particular problem on this lens.


I know too about the cost unfortunately. I paid, here in Toronto, $150 for a regular Tanya Polarizer. I can get a slim Hoya at Hit Camera for much less; around the $65-70-80 range. I'll have to try it out I guess unless I want to fork out for the B+W. I just need some suggestions of Polarizers that are easy to rotate, that are slim enough to avoid vignetting, that will allow a lens cap, and possibly slim enough to allow for a slim UV as well.

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Also, don't assume that if you have two different 24mm wide lens, that they will behave similarly with a CP. For example, I can *just* get away with stacking a slim B+W CP on a regular thickness B+W UV, with my Canon 24-70. But if I do the same thing with my Canon 24-105, I do get vignette. This could be either a variation in FOV (and I believe my 24-105 *is* slightly wider than my 24-70), or variation in the distance between the front element and the filter threads.
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