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are we sticking to the rules?


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when a post of mine was deleted for its foul language - I recall it said "T&A

rules ok" and I apologize for repeting the words - I felt anyway happy that the

somehow law was being enforced. It happens to see, however, that in many

discussion sarcasm and vulgarity abund and that the rule that you can not post

nudes under nicknames is constantly escaped (you can easily check this out). How

does this happen?

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The moderators don't have time to look at every single image and every comment left on every image. If you see something that you think is inappropriate or breaks the rules, report it to "abuse@photo.net" or "contact@photo.net" and someone will look into it (though probably not instantly!)


I don't think we can (or would want to) regulate sarcasm (or irony) in a post unless it's abusive.


Much as a "real name" policy might be desirable, I don't think it's practical. As Josh says, that situation will hopefully be clarified soon.

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