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Minolta DiMage Scan Elite 5400

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Hope and pray that Sony will service it for you.


Or give up and replace it with a Nikon CoolScan, since they are still selling and supporting them.


Consider carefully investing much money in the Minolta, since Sony is quite unlikely to write drivers for the next release of Windows or MacOS, which you will have to upgrade to someday.

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How are you doing the manual focus: via mouse clicks or the front knob? If the former, try the latter: it might be the mechanism is a bit different when using the knob. And if so, while one way is malfunctioning, the other might still be ok.


Also, while facing the front of the unit, try cranking the focus knob completely over counterclockwise (the holder will be nearest left side of it's travel. Then slowly turn the knob clockwise (holder moves to the right), until the black bars peak. *Continue* turning the knob very slowly clockwise. The bars will likely fall back, and then peak a second time. Assuming you've put the film in the holder per the manual (emulsion face down when loading), this second peak should be focus on the emulsion. I believe the first peak is focus on the film back surface.


Also, if there is curvature to your film, try focussing at several spots around the image, and do multiple test scans. The sweet spot for focus is likely off-center a bit, where depending on the curvature. You want to focus at a point that is neither the highest or lowest point.

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I had my Minolta DiMage Scan Elite 5400 repaired a little over a year ago. I got the referral from Sony. I have the name and address at home. Email me and I'll try to find it and send it to you. They were really good to work with and answered questions. I'm using Silverfast with my scanner. Much better than KM scan software. G
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